ColegauCymru conference 26th & 27th May 2010 Hilton Hotel, Cardiff Workshop Day 2: Accrediting Prior Learning Welsh Assembly Government – Trevor Clark Agored Cymru – Anne Lewis / Rachel Mooney
Format of the session aims short outline from Welsh Assembly Government outline of tasks breakaway groups review principal findings
Aim to support the current CQFW operational plan by: gathering experience from the sector through identification of issues and potential progression pathways acting as a starting point for input into a consultation document considering the impact of the recognition of prior learning (RPL) developing an action plan Operational Plan: CQFW Section 1.4 - Key Outcomes: Research current APL activity from WHECC, NIACE, Colleges Wales , NTFW , UK and European Developments International Seminar RPL methodology and evaluation of subsequent practice Develop pilot for Extending Recognition: Investing in Competitiveness (ERIC) programme in North West Wales with Mon a Menai Partnership and Area staff Establish funding model for RPL proposals for policy and practice in all FE/WBL provision. Produce, policy, strategy, guidance for delivery and funding approaches for Wales. Develop Wales policy to fulfil requirements of the European Union guidelines for recognition of Non Formal and Informal Learning (NFL). Target Date: 2012
Welsh Assembly Government An introduction Trevor Clark, Head of Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales Development, Welsh Assembly Government 4
Recognition of Prior Learning – a long journey but little progress? ” extensive interest though introduction on CQFW current work through Colegau Cymru, National Training Federation for Wales, NIACE Dysgu Cymru, Care Council for Wales, NILAH European Qualifications Framework RPL Guidelines Interest within Mons Menai Partnership RPL objective within 2010/ 2011 to formulate some outline discussion by the end of the year Today is the start of this process
Definitions & Tasks Contextualisation of a wide variety of definitions QCF version 2 CollegesWales paper Group discussions of questions Scene setting: - Why RPL is important Uses of RPL Role of awarding organisations in RPL Contextualisation of how much experience of RPL within audience
Group 1 - Questions how is the shelf life of credit in relation to RPL for various types of learning established? who decides what is relevant or not? what is the role of the awarding organisation in RPL does RPL require assessment? what experiences are relevant/not relevant? can RPL only be granted by a qualified assessor? can RPL only occur against specific learning outcomes, units or NOS?
Group 2 - Questions can RPL be generic – can it be CV based? are there issues with double counting? Is the level of awarded RPL related to the level of the learning being described or the level of interpretation and evaluation being completed? can RPL be completed at every level? what should the focus or purpose of RPL be? what are the main drivers for RPL use?
Group 3 - Questions how could RPL be made more attractive? what are the negative aspects in relation to RPL? what are the current best practices – are they known and shared? how should RPL practice be developed and shared? should there be a standard mechanism and practice developed - for everyone, per sector, per learning environment or other? would centres of expertise – regional distributed around Wales be the way forward?
Feedback Action Planning Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Main points to include for next steps
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