EUREKA: enhancing competitiveness through cooperation Santiago, Nov/Dec 2016 Susanne Madders International Cooperation EUREKA Secretariat
EUREKA Characteristics Instruments Global International Cooperation Success Stories
About EUREKA Intergovernmental European network established in 1985 Supporting the internationalisation of businesses with innovative ideas Facilitating trans-national, innovative market-oriented RDI projects Facilitating access to national finance for project participants Creating links and networks for innovation among businesses
A Platform for International Cooperation Full members Associated countries National information points International cooperation
EUREKA characteristics Innovative product, process or service Market-oriented nature Bottom-up approach Transnational cooperation
EUREKA characteristics €38.2 billion 6400+ projects 1985 2016 4000+ Research centres 7300+ Large companies 11600+ SMEs 3800+ Universities
Technology areas – top 5 29% 17% 24% 5% 7% Electronics, IT and Telecoms Technology Industrial Manufacturing, Material and Transport Biological Sciences / Technologies Technology for Protecting Man and the Environment Energy Technology 29% 17% 24% 5% 7% 2014–2016 Data for EUREKA Projects and Eurostars
Market areas – top 4 Industrial Products / Manufacturing Medical / Health Related Transportation Consumer Related 19% 32% 9.8% 11% 2014–2016 Data for EUREKA Projects and Eurostars
EUREKA instruments Over 40 countries UMBRELLAS CLUSTERS EUREKA TOURISM PLUS METALLURGY EUROAGRI CATRENE ACQUEAU EURIPIDES PRO- FACTORY+ E! SURF ITEA 3 EUROGIA 2020 CELTIC PLUS UMBRELLAS CLUSTERS 764 projects EUREKA PROJECTS 4155 projects EUROSTARS 852 projects EUREKA instruments Instruments: Individual projects: collaborative projects in any kind of technology in e.g. bi-or multilateral calls between EUREKA countries Clusters: long-term, industry driven strategically significant public-private partnerships in a specific thematic area, developing generic technologies of key importance to European competitiveness Eurostars Programme: European funding and support programme (EUREKA and EU), specifically dedicated to research-performing SMEs, stimulating them to lead international collaborative research and innovation projects Umbrellas: thematic networks focussing on a particular technology or business sector. Their goal is to support the development of project ideas. Over 40 countries
EUREKA Network Projects EUREKA Instruments EUREKA Network Projects Short-term innovative projects In any technology area Driven by industry, SME‘s academics EUREKA Umbrellas Thematic networks focussing on a specific technology area to generate projects EUREKA Clusters Long-term strategic ppp in specific thematic areas Medium-term innovative projects Industry driven, large companies, SMEs Eurostars Driven and led by R&D performing SMEs
Typical EUREKA projects EUREKA Cluster projects EUREKA Network projects Eurostars projects Average costs 12,67M€ 1,78M€ 1.4M€ Average Number of participants Average Number of participating countries 14 – 19 3 - 5 4 – 5 2 - 3 3 – 4 Average project duration 35,3 31,3 29 Consortium leader Large company SME R&D SME
EUREKA Clusters Innovation in water technologies Micro and Nano electronics Telecommunications Smart electronic systems Low carbon energy technologies Software intensive systems and services New Cluster on Metallurgy Micro and Nano electronic technologies and applications
ITEA is an association, with industry board members: ITEA Governance ITEA is an association, with industry board members: Public authorities in the ITEA Directors Committee are:
EUREKA Clusters procedures 1 2 3 4 5 Thematic annual calls Centralised Cluster evaluation Cluster labelling National funding decision Cluster monitoring and impact assessment
Why an EUREKA- Chile-Partnership? Objectives: • Developing innovative market-oriented R&D projects together with like-minded European partners for mutual benefit (win-win) with national funding • Getting access to markets • Strengthening both Chilean and European economies Possibilities: • Participation in projects (Clusters, Umbrellas, Network projects) with high flexibility, fast-to-market, nationally funded • Partnership Agreement (Association), enabling industry to lead projects
Global International Cooperation Instruments Association Project-by-project participation GlobalStars
Associated countries Canada (since 2012) More than 32 projects South Africa (since June 2014) 7 projects South Korea (since 2009) More than 52 projects Chile (in preparation for 2017)
Some advantages of the status as an Associated Country More systematic generation of projects of mutual benefit, possibly with the help of an ear-marked national budget; Part of the network of national funding agencies, possibility of coordination; Participation in all EUREKA activities, events, projects (1 EU+1AS country, lead of projects) and the possibility to join EUROSTARS ; The National Project Coordinator (NPC) supports companies, in particular SMEs, to find finance and adequate partners;
Korean Project partnerships by country 2012-2014
Canada’s project partners 2012 - 2014
Global Stars Targeted call between interested EUREKA countries and a partner country in specific areas, all projects nationally funded, 2+1 rule Chile: natural resources, mining, agrofood, solar energy, sustainable construction, ICT, (1+1 rule as exeption), call published 1 September Argentina: in preparation for end 2016 India: planned
Participation in EUREKA projects by non-EUREKA countries since 1985 Without Clusters
Added value of EUREKA for project participants: Well established, long-standing transnational network Bottom-up, market-oriented, fast, minimum of bureaucracy Access to new markets National contact points National financing Clusters are managed according to business priorities and in a business-like manner One application for the whole consortium A central data base for the whole network A central secretariat to support the network
Impacts of EUREKA projects for Danish participating businesses (statistically significant rates) Increase of exports: + 13% (3 years after participation) Increase of turn-over: x 2 Increase of employment: + 4 – 5% (from year 1 after participation) Increase in labour productivity: 11 – 12% growth rate annually Results taken from a study “Economic Impact of international R&I cooperation in EUREKA“ of the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation (2011)
Check your national funding rules! How to apply? How to start a EUREKA project? Innovative idea? 1 2 3 4 5 Contact NPC Set up your consortium Apply Evaluation National funding Start! Check your national funding rules!
Success Stories PASTEUR project Nanoelectronics to help reduce food waste worldwide Between 30% and 50% of food is thrown out, most of the time before it reaches the consumer, but the cost (economic and environmental) of such waste is largely avoidable. Application and technology research on micro- and nano-electronics
Success Stories RECONSURVE Reconfigurable Surveillance System with Communicating Smart Sensors The project developed a complete maritime surveillance system with smart sensor data processing, situational awareness, the ability to use several platforms with a variety of sensor types and advanced algorithm-based capabilities for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and thermal cameras. Start date: Jan 2011 End date: Jun 2015
Success Stories Eurostars projects : A Revolutionary Contact Lens Offers patient greater visibility and comfort Company market dimension x12 (4.5 B€) A Breakthrough Video Restoration Software Offers the rapid restoration of video-archives Company has grown tenfold in 6 years A new leather-tanning agent Bespoke supply chain to deliver a ‘Made in Europe’ product in a sustainable way Customers include the World’s largest car manufacturers
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