Computer 1 JEOPARDY
Parts is Parts Dude, Where’s My File SkyNet Wannabes Are You Digital? Scattered Bits 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
Parts is Parts 100 It acts as workspace for your computer, a temporary place to hold data currently being processed. A: What is memory or RAM? Jeopardy Review
Parts is Parts 200 A place where large amounts of data are kept on a long-term basis, similar to a file cabinet. A: What is storage? Jeopardy Review
Instructions from a stored program are processed by this device. Parts is Parts 300 Instructions from a stored program are processed by this device. A: What is the processor or CPU? Jeopardy Review
The two most common devices people use to provide input to a computer. Parts is Parts 400 The two most common devices people use to provide input to a computer. A: What are the keyboard and mouse? Jeopardy Review
Parts is Parts 500 The two devices most commonly used to provide output in a format people can use and understand. A: What are the monitor and printer? Jeopardy Review
Term for the main directory of any storage device, C:\ for example. Dude, Where’s My File 100 Term for the main directory of any storage device, C:\ for example. A: What is the root? Jeopardy Review
Dude, Where’s My File 200 The file C:\CIS110\Word\Tutorial4\Movers.doc is located in this folder. A: What is Tutorial4? Jeopardy Review
Dude, Where’s My File 300 The file specification C:\CIS110\Word\Tutorial4\Movers.doc tells us that this is a subfolder of CIS110. A: What is Word? Jeopardy Review
Another term for a file specification. Dude, Where’s My File 400 Another term for a file specification. A: What is a path? Jeopardy Review
The filename extension used by Excel for its native data file format. Dude, Where’s My File 500 The filename extension used by Excel for its native data file format. A: What is .xls or .xlsx? Jeopardy Review
SkyNet Wannabes 100 Computer networks are designed to allow the sharing of these two things. A: What are data and devices? Jeopardy Review
Term for a computer network in a limited geographic area. SkyNet Wannabes 200 Term for a computer network in a limited geographic area. A: What is a local area network or LAN? Jeopardy Review
SkyNet Wannabes 300 A computer must have one of these hardware components in order to make a wired connection to a network. A: What is a network interface card (NIC)? Jeopardy Review
A network that allows wireless connectivity is described by this name. SkyNet Wannabes 400 A network that allows wireless connectivity is described by this name. A: What is WiFi? Jeopardy Review
SkyNet Wannabes 500 A computer that provides data to other computers on a network is called this. A: What is a file server? Jeopardy Review
A clock with hands represents time in this continuous method. Are You Digital? 100 A clock with hands represents time in this continuous method. A: What is analog? Jeopardy Review
Are You Digital? 200 This basic unit of digital data storage, represented by a small “b”, is a single on/off switch. A: What is a bit or binary digit? Jeopardy Review
Computers use this number system that has only two digits. Are You Digital? 300 Computers use this number system that has only two digits. A: What is binary? Jeopardy Review
This term refers to a group of 8 bits that represent a character. Are You Digital? 400 This term refers to a group of 8 bits that represent a character. A: What is a byte? Jeopardy Review
Today’s personal computers use this 8 bit data representation scheme. Are You Digital? 500 Today’s personal computers use this 8 bit data representation scheme. A: What is extended ASCII? Jeopardy Review
A type of software performs a specific task needed by a user. Scattered Bits 100 A type of software performs a specific task needed by a user. A: What is a application software? Jeopardy Review
Scattered Bits 200 A collection of data that has been assigned a name and held on a storage medium. A: What is a file? Jeopardy Review
Scattered Bits 300 A type of compressed file format that can contain many files within one file. A: What is a zip file? Jeopardy Review
The term “giga” refers to approximately this many. Scattered Bits 400 The term “giga” refers to approximately this many. A: What is a one billion? Jeopardy Review
Scattered Bits 500 The two most important factors that influence compatibility and define a computer’s platform. A: What are the processor and operating system? Jeopardy Review