Mass Media: Social Media How does social media shape the public perception?
Do Now: How much do you know about digital marketing?
How does the government play a part? Government has a certain agenda that needs to be communicated Political activists (AKA policy entrepreneurs) are people who invest their political capital in an issue Political Activists can can be... Members of interest groups Political party leaders Politicians Head PR firms Leaders of federal, national, local government
Search engine marketing Mobile Optimization Social Media Marketing Display Ads Behavioral Targeting Videos on YouTube
How much is being spent? Total political ad spending is expected to reach an astounding $11.4 billion, 20 percent more than the amount spent in 2012. Spending on social media is estimated to account for more than half of the $1 billion budget for digital media.
Social Media Gaffes! 2016.html?_r=1
DISCUSS! Who seems to be most successful communicating their message? Why is that the case? What specific strategies seem to alter public perception the most? Why??
Do Now: Think of a time when you had to make an important decision! How did you make that decision? How much time did you think about it? Did you get advice from others? Did you do some research? What else did you consider?
Tactics to Engage the Audience
http://www. journalism to-connect-with-the-public/ 2016.html?_r=0
Internet Scholars had thought that the Internet would provide people with a host of information to become educated on politics BUT… The fact that so much information is at one’s fingertips doesn’t mean that people are taking advantage of this source to become informed about politics!!
Interest in politics? Internet is purposive - what people see is the product of their own intentional choices Politics is only one of the things can be searched for on the Internet Most American’s interest in politics is fairly limited
Google Trends
Blogs Blogs have provided political activists (that want to promote their own agendas) with a means to make their concerns heard Anyone can have a blog but getting attention to blogs can be difficult! Most successful political bloggers need to have credentials that are far more similar to the leading traditional journalists (Hugh Hewitt, Markos Moulitsas Zuniga)
Do Now: Do you agree that Blogs create a more equal opportunity for people to share information? Why or why not? Do blogs do more to confuse or educate the public? Why is that the case?
To what extents do blogs communicate our interests? Matthew Hindman “given a small group of educational, professional, and technical elites new influence in US politics” but “have done far less to amplify the political voice of average citizens.” What does this quote reveal?
Media Watchdogs Pew Research Center for People & the Press has consistently found a clear majority reports that the press criticism of political leaders does more good than harm! 68% said that the press criticism of political leaders is worth it because it can prevent potential political corruption 21% believed that it keep political leaders from doing their jobs Journalists believe that their job are to be social reformers
Private vs. Public Journalism has been a big business in the US! Virtually all media outlets are controlled by private businesses Only a small handful of TV stations are publicly owned by the government Rationale for private ownership is to avoid the government interfering with the content of the programming
Big Business = Big Profits The Disney Corporation bought ABC General Electric acquired NBC Viacom took over CBS CNN become apart of time Warner What does this mean for the credibility of news stories?
Advertisers can dictate the terms Public broadcasting can better serve the public interests without worrying about the size of the audience!! But these behemoth corporations rely on rating to drive advertising dollars. Sometimes Advertisers can dictate the terms of what’s programmed!
ASME’s New Guidelines The Primary Responsibility of the Editor Is to Serve the Interests of the Reader Avoid Conflicts of Interest Differentiate Editorial Content and Advertising Do Not Trade Editorial Coverage for Advertising Do Not Submit Editorial Content to Advertisers for Approval Disclose E-Commerce Partnerships
DISCUSS! Should the government intervene to ensure that advertisers do not have editorial power?