NATURE OF PROJECT Completion of groundwork commences project proposal writing based on nature of project Format Project design and outline Grant application requirements Funding
FORMAT and PARTS Title Page (for proposal of 3-4 pages) Project title Name of lead organization/potential partners Place and date of project Name of donor (if available) to whom proposal is addressed
FORMAT and PARTS WHAT IS A GOOD PROJECT TITLE? Short Concise Refer to key project result State the leading project activity Give an effective snapshot of project
FORMAT and PARTS Content Page (table of contents for proposal of 10 pages or more) To find quickly relevant parts of proposal To contain sections and pages of document
FORMAT and PARTS Abstract ( a short project summary from 10 lines to 2 pages, to include) Problem statement Project objectives Implementing organization Key project activities Total project budget
FORMAT and PARTS Context (describes social, economic, political and cultural background) Contain relevant data from research Multi sources of data Large amount of data put in the annexes
FORMAT and PARTS Project Justification (rationale provided for the project) Problem statement to make a “case”, explanation of the needs to be addressed Priority needs arising from the problem (must) Proposed approach/strategy to solve the problem
FORMAT and PARTS Presenting Organization (giving capacities and capabilities of implementing organization) Analysis of organizational strengths Participatory planning/team work Organizational track record
FORMAT and PARTS Project Aims (from goal to results) hierarchy from goal, to objectives, to activity, to results e.g. - to improve the quality of life (goal) - to improve quality of water supply (objective) - by laying 10-km pipe from source to tap (activity) - 1,000 families have clean and potable water (outcome)
FORMAT and PARTS Target Group (beneficiaries of project) Provide detailed description of size and characteristics of target groups Target group composition analysis based on age, gender, income, etc
FORMAT and PARTS Project Implementation (describe activities and resource allocation) Activity plan to include list of project activities and Gantt Chart Resource plan provides the means for the project including the line-item budget (LIB)
FORMAT and PARTS Preparing An Activity List all project activities in a single list Break activities into manageable tasks/sub-activities for resource estimation Clarify sequence and dependence of interrelated actions Draw up a timeline for each task from start-up to completion
FORMAT and PARTS Preparing An Activity - Summarize scheduling of main activities and plan the timing Use milestones to provide a measure of project progress and targets to aim for Define type and level of expertise for each task Allocate tasks among the team in consultation with members of this team
FORMAT and PARTS Budget (itemized summary of income and expenses over a period of time) Income as financial asset as source of support for the project Expenditures are anticipated costs in project implementation as reasonable reflection of activities
FORMAT and PARTS Budget Categories Direct costs associated with an activity (e.g. conduct of seminar) Operational costs related to internal activities of the project Units, Quantity Per Period and Estimated Units Costs are needed to calculate costs associated with any of the two categories
FORMAT and PARTS Line-Item Budget (LIB) refers to types of expenditures Personal Expense (PE) for hiring personnel and consultants Maintenance and Operating Expense (MOE) for internal affairs of project, supply and materials Capital Outlay (CO) for cost of equipment, facilities and other fixed assets Miscellaneous Expense (ME) for those which do not fall under the above
FORMAT and PARTS Monitoring and Evaluation (setting of indicators for expected results of the project) How and when to conduct monitoring/follow up project progress Methods to use in evaluation and monitoring Who will do the evaluation
FORMAT and PARTS Management and Personnel (description of project personnel) Individual roles of each project personnel Communication mechanisms that exist between and among them CVs and resumes attached to the annexes
FORMAT and PARTS Annexes (important information but too large to be included in project proposal) Analysis related to the project (e.g soil topography) Policy documents an strategic papers (e.g. law creating water district) Information on organization (e.g. Annual Report, brochures)
FORMAT and PARTS Annexes (important information but too large to be included in project proposal) - Information on personnel (e.g. CVs) Maps of location and target area (e.g. Barangay clusters) Management forms and structures (e.g. Org. Chart)