NWAS Equality & Diversity Data


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Presentation transcript:

NWAS Equality & Diversity Data Reporting Period January to December 2015

  Bisexual Gay Heterosexual I do not wish to disclose my sexual orientation / Undefined Lesbian Grand Total Count 24 88 3911 1262 61 5346

Data Table Atheism Buddhism Christianity Hinduism I do not wish to disclose my religion/belief Islam Jainism Judaism Other Sikhism Grand Total Headcount 554 15 2847 9 1537 61 2 4 315 5346

Data Table No Not Declared / Undefined Yes Total Headcount 3685 1498   No Not Declared / Undefined Yes Total Headcount 3685 1498 163 5346

Data Table Paramedic Emergency Service Emergency Operations Centre   Paramedic Emergency Service Emergency Operations Centre 111 Contact Centre Patient Transport Service Corporate Services Full Time 3019 538 167 371 351 Part Time 332 110 190 210 58 Grand Total 3351 648 357 581 409

Data Table Paramedic Emergency Service Emergency Operations Centre   Paramedic Emergency Service Emergency Operations Centre 111 Contact Centre Patient Transport Service Corporate Services Civil Partnership 38 7 5 3 2 Divorced 189 25 30 51 36 Legally Separated 9 6 11 Married 1537 253 143 324 226 Single 1203 325 125 147 114 Unknown 8 Widowed 340 27 45 23 Grand Total 3351 648 357 581 409

Data Table   18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-69 70+ Paramedic Emergency Service 111 735 1164 1031 295 15 Emergency Operations Centre 52 252 158 133 50 3 111 Contact Centre 48 93 74 95 41 5 1 Patient Transport Service 9 56 91 210 187 27 Corporate Services 69 124 121 Total 235 1205 1611 1590 647 55

Data Table Paramedic Emergency Service Emergency Operations Centre   Paramedic Emergency Service Emergency Operations Centre 111 Contact Centre Patient Transport Service Corporate Services Grand Total Female 1249 422 271 307 188 2437 Male 2102 226 86 274 221 2909  Total 3351 648 357 581 409 5346

Data Table Ethnic Group A White - British 4850   A White - British 4850 B - S All Other Ethnic Groups 278 Z Not Stated 218 Grand Total 5346

Data Table Ethnic Group Total B White - Irish 25 D Mixed - White & Black Caribbean 10 M Black or Black British - Caribbean C White - Any other White background 42 E Mixed - White & Black African 5 N Black or Black British - African C3 White Unspecified 3 F Mixed - White & Asian 12 P Black or Black British - Any other Black background 4 CA White English 26 G Mixed - Any other mixed background PA Black Somali CB White Scottish GF Mixed - Other/Unspecified 1 PD Black British CC White Welsh H Asian or Asian British - Indian 34 R Chinese CP White Polish J Asian or Asian British - Pakistani S Any Other Ethnic Group CY White Other European K Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi 2 SE Other Specified 7 CX White Mixed L Asian or Asian British - Any other Asian background 278

Recruitment Equality & Diversity Data Reporting on Recruitment Activity between January and December 2015. Data includes Applicants; Shortlisted Candidates and New Starters in that period.

Data Table Male Female Undisclosed Total Applicants 6553 8705 32 15290   Male Female Undisclosed Total Applicants 6553 8705 32 15290 Shortlisted 3138 3883 15 7036 New Starters 372 395 767

Data Table Yes No Undisclosed Total Applicants Shortlisted   Yes No Undisclosed Total Applicants 682 14449 159 15290 Shortlisted 343 6626 67 7036 New Starters 27 654 86 767

Data Table A 20,235 B - S 2,589 Z 269 A White - British B White - Irish K Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi Z Not Stated C White - Any other White background L Asian or Asian British - Any other Asian background D Mixed - White & Black Caribbean M Black or Black British - Caribbean E Mixed - White & Black African N Black or Black British - African F Mixed - White & Asian P Black or Black British - Any other Black background G Mixed - Any other mixed background R Chinese H Asian or Asian British - Indian S Any Other Ethnic Group J Asian or Asian British - Pakistani

Data Table   Age Under 20 Age 20-29 Age 30-39 Age 40-49 Age 50-59 Age 60-69 Age 70+ Undisclosed Total Applicants 300 2793 3262 2340 1551 1542 1615 1115 15290 Shortlisted 109 1143 1515 1132 765 777 772 483 7036 New Starters 33 336 189 123 79 7 767

Data Table Atheism Buddhism Christianity Hinduism Islam Jainism   Atheism Buddhism Christianity Hinduism Islam Jainism Judaism Sikhism Other Undisclosed Total Applicants 2182 74 9124 91 764 2 22 23 1661 1347 15290 Shortlisted 1120 29 4216 28 274 11 9 714 635 7036 New Starters 129 3 398 1 21 58 155 767

Data Table Lesbian Gay Bisexual Heterosexual Undisclosed Total   Lesbian Gay Bisexual Heterosexual Undisclosed Total Applicants 261 381 133 13769 746 15290 Shortlisted 124 206 70 6319 317 7036 New Starters 12 16 9 628 102 767