The riches of a broad quantitative approach Jenny Shaw
4364 2775 1409 About the Survey Fieldwork period Jan – Feb 2015 Undergrads Fieldwork period Jan – Feb 2015 2775 Applicants 1409 Postgrads Sample We have completed the fieldwork on this year’s survey and actually many of the results are similar. What has this piece of research delivered? Why riches? Big sample, you can be confident about the results. You can also drill down into demographic groups with confidence, which you can’t with a small sample. You can ask a lot of questions of the data – how does this correlate with that.
How easy will it be to get the job you want? Optimism has been declining This year, similar to last. Not getting any worse this year, but more saying almost impossible (also more saying easy)
Engaging with careers service intention v. actual Students overwhelmingly turn to their parents. This is fine – but there are limitations Socio-economic group marker this year – are much less likely to go to parents but no more likely to go to careers services, so they are potentially disadvantaged. See our output on 31 Aug to find out more!
Reasons for non-engagement I’m not yet sure what career I want 1 2 I have already decided on my career I didn’t know where to go or what was on offer 3 4 I didn’t feel confident enough Confidence has moved into 3rd place New category “I didn’t think they would be helpful” in 5th I didn’t think it was for students like me 5
Vocational course students Academic course students MORE CONFIDENT Older students Vocational course students Able bodied students Male students Female students Academic course students Disabled students – particularly those with a mental health condition Disabled students Younger students LESS CONFIDENT
Part-time Gay and lesbian Black ‘Other’ ethnicity Perceived exclusion Now can add – those with a mental health condition
What research would you like to carry out with your own students? Group work How much do you already know about engagers and non-engagers at your institution? What research would you like to carry out with your own students? How might you use the data to develop your service?
Qualitative or quantitative? Know what you want to find out Lessons Learned Qualitative or quantitative? Know what you want to find out Invest in question design What are the results really telling you? Commit to a particular research method because they will tell you different things – what v why Have hypotheses to test Poorly designed questionnaires can lead you astray: non-leading, clear – test Beware of small sample sizes. If possible get someone to test for significance levels. Look out for hidden factors e.g. underlying demographic differences (example of halls representing 1st year attitudes)
The riches of a broad quantitative approach Finally – launch on 31 August: if invite, leave card. Look out on our website. The riches of a broad quantitative approach Jenny Shaw :