Mental Health Five Year Forward View


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Presentation transcript:

Mental Health Five Year Forward View

Adult Mental Health Themes from published guidance Guidance recommendations People facing a crisis having access to mental health care 7 days a week and 24 hours a day (right care, right time, right place) in the same way they are able to get access to urgent physical care Delivering 24/7 liaison mental health services, that reach minimum (core 24) quality standards in acute hospitals, for all ages, in emergency departments and inpatient wards Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Teams (CRHTTs) providing a 24/7 community-based mental health crisis response and intensive home treatment Reducing the number of people taking their own lives by at least 10%, through investing in local multi-agency suicide reduction plans. Eliminating out of area placements for acute care. Increasing Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP), 60% of people experiencing first episode of psychosis to access treatment (a NICE-approved care package) within 2 weeks

Establishing an integrated approach to mental and physical health care Themes from published guidance Guidance recommendations Establishing an integrated approach to mental and physical health care Women having access to evidence-based specialist mental health care during the perinatal period Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services to support 25% of local people with common mental health problems each year. Integrating services in this expansion by including evidence-based psychological therapies in Long Term Conditions (LTC) pathways People living with severe mental health problems having their physical health needs met by offering screening and secondary prevention (e.g. physical activity checks) People living with mental health problems supported to find or stay in work each year through IAPT services and Individual Placement and Support (IPS)

Mental Health – All Age Themes from published guidance Guidance recommendations Promoting good mental health – helping people lead better lives Achieving all access and quality standards for mental health early Iintervention, Improving Access to Psychological Therapies and other pathways of evidence based care as they launch Implementing payment approach for mental health that rewards quality and outcomes in line with national guidance

Mental Health – All Age Themes from published guidance Guidance recommendations Delivering system transformation to deliver supporting infrastructure Improving data quality, including routine monitoring and reporting on access, quality and outcomes for mental health via implementation of mental health datasets Multidisciplinary workforce planning and development, agreeing plans to improve mental health workforce The local council having a mental health champion

Children's Mental health Themes from published guidance Guidance recommendations Improving access (earlier and quicker), to the right support from the right service at the right time and as close to home as possible. Delivering Future in Mind recommendations, including increasing access to evidence-based effective care and earlier intervention and reducing waiting times Rolling out of IAPT transformation programme By 2020, 95% of those in need of eating disorder services receiving NICE Concordant Care within 1 week for urgent cases and 4 weeks for routine cases (guidance here) Implementing evidence-based pathways for community-based care, to avoid unnecessary inpatient admissions and improve transition from CYP services Children and young people having improved i) access to crisis care ii) experience of transition from child and adolescent mental health services iii) reduced reliance on in-patient beds through fewer and shorter admissions iv) reduced distances travelled to access in-patient mental health services

Children’s Mental Health Themes from published guidance Guidance recommendations Delivering an integrated whole system approach (in particular joining up services between organisations, so care pathways are easier to navigate for all CYP, including those who are most vulnerable) Reducing health inequalities and variations between CCGs for vulnerable CYP, eg in contact with care system; in contact with the justice system, with learning disabilities, victims of trauma, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender CYP, parents and carers being involved in treatment and service development Improving collaborative commissioning networks that ensure full clinical pathway consideration for children across health, education, public health, social care and health & justice

Gloucestershire’s Future in Mind Schools Centre of Excellence On-line and face to face counselling Schools Pilot Website

Gloucestershire’s Future in Mind Emergency Department Liaison Intensive Interventions Mental Health Acute Response Vulnerable groups