e-Application Occupational Licensing Electronic License Application Permitting and Registration Support Division Occupational Licensing Section
What is e-Application? e-Application is the online, electronic version of the paper application that must be submitted and approved by TCEQ prior to the applicant registering for an exam. It’s the same as the Scantron form.
NEW! Pre-Approval Process and Conditionally Approved Status. Before being able to sit for an exam, everyone must be pre-approved (or conditionally approved) to take it. This means applicants will have to pass the mandatory criminal history background check, have completed all necessary training classes, possess the education and experience, etc. and have provided TCEQ all the necessary documentation. Approval (or Conditional Approval) letters will be mailed within 6-8 weeks if no deficiencies exist. Conditional Approval A conditional approval is an option for only those individuals who are missing only one required course (and have no other deficiencies) and intend to take an exam immediately after completing that required course, at a location where TCEQ is proctoring the exams. Pre-approvals Pre-approvals put everyone on an even playing field. Conditional Approval We recognize that the timing for a pre-approval isn’t possible in this case, so the person will receive a pre-approval via a conditionally approved application status so they may sit for the exam immediately after the deficiency (the one missing class) is cleared.
The Information We Ask For Type of License Personal Information Contact Information Qualifications Supporting Documents Fees Affidavit It’s the same information that’s on the Scantron form.
e-Application – Type of License Users can apply for almost all Occupational Licenses using e-App. Radioactive Materials licenses (handled in another division of the Office of Waste), Corrective Action Specialist, Water and Wastewater Company Registrations, Visible Emissions Testers and PST Operator Certifications are not handled via e-App at this time. Wherever you see a question mark inside a circle, help is available. All required information has to be completed before you can proceed to the next page. Help is available
e-Application – Personal Information Fields are clearly labeled when they are required. All information you enter is encrypted. Fields that are required are clearly labeled by an asterisk and message. All the information you enter is encrypted in transmission and at rest, to protect your privacy. On screen, only the last 4 digits of the Social Security Number and Date of Birth are shown after you finishing typing; the remainder are replaced with asterisks/wildcards.
e-Application – Contact Information If you live outside the United States, a free-form text box provides flexibility to enter foreign addresses. If an applicant selects that their mailing address is not inside the US, by selecting “No” , a textbox replaces the Mailing address field to provide flexibility when entering addresses that require a different format than that of US addresses. Also, the City, State and Zip Code fields are removed.
e-Application – Qualifications Since not all licenses require an educational background, these fields are not required. Training, School and Company information can be entered (total of 12 rows is allowed). Currently or previously held licenses can be entered also, if they relate to the license the applicant is applying for. Educational background can also be entered.
e-Application – Supporting Documents A Criminal History Notification Form is required for all applicants. Some forms may be required, depending upon the license type. Applicants requesting a Conditionally Approved application will have the opportunity to upload their confirmation of registration Users will select the documents they will be uploading to support their application. Some documents are required and this will depend upon the type of license the applicant is applying for. Everyone must submit a Criminal History Notification Form however. Our e-Application information web page will contain information to help users understand what the application requirements are. File limitations is 10 megabytes per file and are restricted to generally known file types, such as .pdf (acrobat), .doc or .docx (Word), etc. Applicants requesting a conditionally approved application status will be required to attach the course registration confirmation from their only required course they need to take.
Time to Pay! In order to be approved, the applicant claiming the military exemption will have to provide the necessary documentation. Also, LPST licensees may be exempt if they currently hold a PE or PG license. Paying here in e-Pay means that region staff and test centers no longer need to collect application payments for us. Selecting the military veteran box, exempts them from having to pay for the license at this time.
Almost Done With the Application Check the Affidavit and Electronic Signature. The last page before the submit button is the affidavit which attests that there is no falsifications or intended misrepresentations in the information provided.
Successfully Submitted Application Notification After the application has been successfully submitted, users will receive this notification as well as an email notification. It’s important to let people know that if they didn’t receive an email from us, it could be in their spam folder!
Example of an E-mail an Applicant will Receive After applicants hit the submit button, they will receive a confirmation e-mail that their application has been processed.