Delivery 2: Scene Overview 4k x 4k overview Caravan 10k x 6k overview ABI Delivery 2 6/21/13
Delivery 2: Caravan Movie 600 frames @10hz; 1280x720 0.5m pixels with 9-25 adaptive samples and truth ABI Delivery 2 6/21/13
Delivery 2: Radiometry Improvements Finished work on the new “simple” radiometry solver that drives high fidelity radiometry very quickly Resolved issues with specular lobe falloff modeling that created artifacts in Delivery 1 ABI Delivery 2 6/21/13
driveway/access nodes for lot design and SUMO Delivery 2: CityEngine Integration Resolved issues with OSM/SUMO/CityEngine lane integration Added road context modeling in CityEngine, adding parking/breakdown lanes, gutters, verges, driveways, curbs and sidewalks Driveways and shoulder space will act as nodes for SUMO integration using edge ID and position information extracted from CityEngine Regional variation still limited by buggy attribute mapping in CityEngine -- attempting to switch to scripting correct lanes for OSM and SUMO integration driveway/access nodes for lot design and SUMO integrated sidewalks, road verges, crosswalks, driveways, curbs, and shoulders ABI Delivery 2 6/21/13
Delivery 2: SUMO Meeting with MITRE on Monday to learn more about SUMO usage Delivery has a trip/route for an 8 vehicle caravan with a midway split (2 vehicles leave caravan) Caravan mechanics (lead/trailing car and “following” behavior) are hacked in using lane restrictions Had to reduce number of cars to 1000 Need better vehicle articulation/placement Intent is to link trip start/end locations to driveway nodes and add non-networked simulation data for parking lot motion ABI Delivery 2 6/21/13
Delivery 2: Added DIRSIG Tools Added addition population distribution tools allowing arbitrary discrete distributions of object geometry and sub-object material variants Also added a simple (static) temporal variant tool that allows objects to be turned on/off on a daily time schedule (e.g. on between 2 and 3pm) ABI Delivery 2 6/21/13
Lessons Learned: Workflow Modifications Running up against many issues maintaining the integrity of road networks across parallel workflows with final integration in DIRSIG Vehicle motion Road geometry SUMO routes CE shapes OSM SUMO network CE graph DIRSIG Future approach is to use the CityEngine generated graph and shapes to generate a new OSM file that matches what is modeled Vehicle motion Road geometry SUMO routes CE shapes OSM(1) SUMO network CE graph DIRSIG OSM(2) ABI Delivery 2 6/21/13
Future Work Scene Fidelity Improvement: • Texture improvements for buildings and roads • Lot design and better building models • Linking node data to lot design • Road signage/lights and general clutter • Additional attributed vehicle models • Additional tree species and distributions Dynamic Scene Content: • More sophisticated traffic modeling • Significant increase in population size • Un-animated node start/stops General Tool Development and Manual ABI Delivery 2 6/21/13