Seventh EC Research Framework Programme: what is in it for researchers and research organisations in Bosnia and Herzegovina FP7 Info Day Sarajevo, 23 April 2009 Tania Friederichs DG RTD International Cooperation
The Framework Programme Why/How research in Europe Introduction to FP7 BiH in FP7 Some recommendations
Why Research Part of the Lisbon agenda: necessary for economic development in sustainable way: new products; new services and processing methods; less polluting Increase prosperity and quality of life: health; security; e-learning Necessary to comply with technical standards; environmental requirements and targets: energy; measuring water, air quality etc. (pre-accession tool) Science in society: better governance Research is good for us/you!
How Towards European Research Area: Instrument: FP7 actions and measures to increase research capacity quantitative and qualitative measures avoid fragmentation create critical mass scientific excellence increase number of scientists ensure mobility of researchers (Euraxess) Instrument: FP7
BiH in ERA Observer in CREST Observer delegate in ESFRI Observer in SCAR Member in SGHRM Participate in EU research agenda
The Framework Programme FP7 The EU programme for research and technological development Multi-annual programme Open to applications from European researchers from all sectors, in collaboration with other European and non-European researchers Established by three key legal texts – the Framework Programme, the Rules for Participation and the Specific Programmes Separate Programmes for non-nuclear and nuclear research Delivering the European Research Area
+ FP7 2007 - 2013 Specific Programmes Cooperation – Collaborative research Ideas – Frontier Research People – Human Potential Capacities – Research Capacity + JRC (non-nuclear) JRC (nuclear) Euratom
Budget for FP7 EC Programme 50 521 million Euro (current prices) Cooperation 32 413 million Euro Ideas 7 510 million Euro People 4 750 million Euro Capacities 4 097 million Euro JRC EC Programme 1 751 million Euro Euratom Programme 2 751 million Euro (current prices 2007-11) Fusion Energy Research 1 947 million Euro Nuclear Fission and Radiation Protection 287 million Euro JRC Nuclear Research Activities 517 million Euro Annual budget: ~ 40% increase compared to FP6 on average 75% real terms increase between 2007 to 2013
Cooperation – Collaborative research 10 Themes Health Food, agriculture and fisheries, and biotechnology Information and communication technologies Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials and new production technologies Energy Environment (including climate change) Transport (including aeronautics) Socio-economic sciences and the humanities Space Security
Ideas – European Research Council Frontier research Support to individual teams, to promote excellence through Europe-wide competition Dedicated implementation structure (Executive Agency) Independent scientific governance (Scientific Council)
People – Human Potential Initial training of researchers Marie Curie Networks Life-long training and career development Individual Fellowships Co-financing of regional/national/international programmes Industry-academia pathways and partnerships Industry-Academia Scheme International dimension Outgoing International Fellowships; Incoming International Fellowships International Cooperation Scheme; Reintegration grants Specific actions Excellence awards
Capacities – Research Capacity Research Infrastructures Research for the benefit of SMEs Regions of Knowledge Research Potential Science in Society Coherent Development of Policies Activities of International Cooperation
EURATOM - Framework Programme Objectives Nuclear fission & radiation protection developing safer management of long-lived radioactive waste promoting safer, more resource-efficient and competitive exploitation of nuclear energy ensuring a robust and socially acceptable system of protection of man and the environment against the effects of ionising radiation. Fusion energy research ITER creation of prototype reactors for power stations which are safe, sustainable, environmentally responsible, and economically viable E&T activities covered in both parts of the programme
FP7 Participants Member States (27) Third Countries (= not a Member State; see Article 2 point 8 of Rules of participation) Entire world/where the excellence is!
Third countries Associated countries (12/13) International Cooperation Partner Countries (ICPC): Countries neighbouring the EU (WBC*/Kosovo UN 1244, Mediterranean Partner Countries, Eastern European and Central Asian Countries) Developing countries (ACP, ASIA, Latin America, Oman) Emerging economies (e.g. China, India, Brazil, Russia, South Africa) Industrialised countries (USA, Canada, N. Z., Gulf States, etc.) * unless associated
Countries associated to FP7 EEA: Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Faroe Islands* Switzerland Israel Turkey WBC: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia * in the pipeline
Associated Participant FP7 Advantages Fully consulted on specific programmes and work programmes Observer in Programme Committees Covered by minimum number of participants: 3 MS or AC no longer dependent on W/P Can participate in more actions: e.g. Intracommunity Marie-Curie; Article 169; more options in JRC, security research; Eurostar for SMEs
Bosnia and Herzegovina under FP7 In 2007&2008: participated as third country/ICPC 2009: associated (MoU signed in Brussels on 24 November 2008)
Bosnia and Herzegovina FP7 2007-2008 Number of proposals submitted (including ineligible) Number of proposals mainlisted Applicants in mainlisted proposals Funding obtained (based on mainlisted applicants) Success rate (based on the mainlisted applicants) Health 8 0,0% FAB 12 2 142.193 15,38% ICT 11 3 112.635 23,08% NMP 0% Energy 186.728 18,18% Environment Transport 4 1 52.326 20% SSH 15 8.971 5,88% Space Security Total 115 9 502.853 8,252%
Bosnia and Herzegovina FP7 2007-2008 Ideas submitted selected Starting Grant 2 ERC Advanced Grant
Bosnia and Herzegovina FP7 2007 People IAPP: no proposals evaluated ITN: no proposals evaluated
Bosnia and Herzegovina FP7 2008 People IAPP: no proposals evaluated ITN: 1 evaluated/rejected
Bosnia and Herzegovina FP7 2007-2008 BOSNIA& HERZEGOVINA Number of proposals submitted (including ineligible) Number of proposals mainlisted Applicants in mainlisted proposals Funding obtained (based on mainlisted applicants) Success rate (based on mainlisted applicants) Research infrastructures 2 202.878 100,00% SMEs 0,0% Regions of knowledge Research potential 23 SiS Activities of International cooperation 12 62.057 7,41% Total 43 4 264.935 17,9%
Bosnia and Herzegovina under FP7 EURATOM Number of proposals evaluated Number of applicants evaluated Number of proposals mainlisted Numberof applicants mainlisted Funding obtained Euratom 1
Some recommendations Create awareness: why research cooperation Continued efforts on FP7 participation: early preparation; Info Days Increase efforts at National level: infrastructure; research policy; increasing investment in research; stimulate researchers/HR; Set priorities: build strengths/excellence thematic focus create synergy with EU priorities and objectives Involve private sector/SMEs Concentrate on Mobility/Peoples Programme Engage in Collaborative research Regional cooperation: a must
Further Information EU research: 7th Framework Programme: Information on research activities and projects: research*eu magazine: Questions?
Thank you for your attention!