International Strategy Update March 7, 2014
Topics This point in time Globalization Advisory Board International Groups and International Member Coordinator role Role of HQ Communications 2
This Point in Time Brooke Switzer started on November 11 First Goal is to develop a strategy to: Grow programs and services outside the US Build recognition for the SWE brand outside the US Review existing data and voice of the customer (MCI report, WE13) Gather additional data for current/past SWE international members and CPC member companies (in progress) Prioritize country expansion list based on external and internal indicators As we look at programs and services, local activities go hand in hand – we can’t operate in a vacuum Need to have an option now for groups that want to form outside the US (making and maintaining connections is very important) We are at a tipping point and need a plan now!
Globalization Advisory Board What: Make recommendations for ways to improve our ability to attract, retain, and grow globally Who: Members from various member segments with a variety of SWE experience FY14 Operation Goal: Propose options for alternate Society governance structures How: Three Sub Teams – Benchmarking, Voice of the Customer, Brainstorming Survey other societies WE13 info gathered Straw man structures being generated Probably will not have any proposed structures at end of FY14 – will be slightly longer term
International Groups Transitioned all pilots to groups Germany, India, Japan and Nigeria Germany, India and Nigeria have activity; Japan is really just a sister relationship with J-WIN No formal structure, guidelines or training for groups We continue to have interest in starting SWE “chapters” from Brazil, Czech Republic and Ireland along with places where we already have groups like India; also have some collegiate groups like Qatar and Turkey We can’t wait for the GAB; we need something in the interim We propose creating SWE Affiliates Basic guidelines for operating under the SWE brand (simple, like 4 bullets) Create some simple training and provide support from HQ No funding from the Society
IMT Coordinator Transition Katie Herta (current IMT Coordinator) on maternity leave; Anca has taken on the role through FY14; she will replace IMT Coordinator in FY15 in her Special Director role Plan is to end monthly IMT calls and replace with a quarterly call for SWE Ambassadors The International Ambassador program encourages active international members to serve in a leadership position (SWE International Ambassador) for their city, country or region. A SWE International Ambassador will promote the SWE brand, recruit SWE members and be fluent on SWE products/services available to customers. Program will recognize that volunteer engagement is different outside the US Resources/training will be provided to the Ambassadors Quarterly calls will be for the sharing of best practices and success stories; we want to use the calls to keep the Ambassadors engaged and involved
Role of HQ First line of response to international inquiries – we get a lot! Service international members through member services Develop strategy for SWE’s programs and services outside the US Support the current international professional development needs of CPC through localized opportunities. This will include recruiting international members to serve as speakers for webinars and podcasts in order to offer global perspective on various topics, as well as organize local workshops and symposiums where funding is provided. Manage MOUs with sister organizations to ensure agreement conditions are met Manage large scale events like SWE Europe conference (evolution of Germany event) Provide support to Ambassadors and Affiliates Develop training and support materials for Ambassadors and Affiliates Manage content for SWE International website and support formation of Affiliate communities
Communications We propose creating an international website based on the Weebly template that sections and regions are using (feedback has been very positive) This would allow us to have consistent branding and up-to-date and relevant content HQ would create and maintain this page (with input from affiliates and ambassadors) SWE groups could create communities based on city, country or region using the NING platform (already in use for some other SWE programs) Could promote events, network/have discussions, share information Would be maintained by the SWE Ambassador for that area Would just have to ask to join the community; SWE membership would not be required