Anti-Bullying By Student Voice
Our campaign The aim of our campaign is to make parents/students/our community more aware of bullying, the effects and how it can be stopped. Whilst presenting this to you, we hope you gain the confidence to record it, report it and don’t support it.
Each can hurt just as much. Bullying Bullying is a serious matter and can come in many different forms. These are… Mental Physical Cyber Alienation Each can hurt just as much.
Cyber Bullying Social Networks Reporting Mental Abuse Retaliation Cyber Bullying is mainly seen on social networks, mostly Facebook and Twitter, but also on sites where bullies can be anonymous such as on On social networks, it’s easy to make fake accounts as they do not have adequate verification methods, this allows people to bully others without them knowing who it is, and they believe it stops them being caught. A big mistake many people make is that they retaliate, and say things back that is just as bad. This causes both parties to keep on saying things to each other, which can cause them to become upset and angry. Cyber bullies want the retaliation as they know it is upsetting them, but it is best to just ignore them, and report them. Social networks have their own methods of reporting things, and you also have the ability to block people so they cannot message you. But, many social networks have flaws in the system, where it takes a while to get problems reviewed, and many know how to get passed these blocks. There is also charities such as Click Ceop, which offer support, and pass off information to the police. But, we must not forget that there is also parents and teachers that offer support.
bullying in school & out of School Verbal Physical Retaliation Reporting We must not also forget bullying in and out of school. This mainly consists of verbal abuse, which can be shouting at someone, talking behind their back, rude jokes, and generally saying the offensive thing over and over again. Physical is also seen a lot, where it can be something simple such as throwing a rubber at someone, or as big as a fight. Again, retaliation is what causes the problems, as if will escalate things further. If the person being bullied retaliates in the way of a fight at school, it means both people would have to be punished, not just the person being bullied. If someone is being bullied they should tell a responsible adult, or someone they can trust. Such as parents, teachers, or at Fulston, a member of the Peer Mentor team.
10 Top Facts Most children aren’t likely to confined in their parents as they are embarrassed and have anxieties. 2) According to statistics around 50-75% of pupils are bullied during lunch breaks 3) Bullying also occurs in toilets and halls 4) Most experts believe the average bullying episode only lasts for around 40 seconds. Unfortunately teachers only usually intervene in around 1 in 20 instances. 5) Teacher intervention can provide more confidence to the target 6) The age for bullying usually excels in Years 7&8 and most students are bullied when they are in this grade. 7) 3.2 million students fall victims to bullying every year. 8) 160,000 students skip school everyday in fear of bullying. 9) Reports suggest that one out of every 10 students tend to drop out of school from continued bullying. 10) Unfortunately 1 out of 10 school teachers from schools and colleges see nothing wrong with bullying. This is not what teachers at our school think!!
How to help someone who is bullying If someone is being bullied the best thing to do is talk to them about the situation and try to comfort them and convince them to tell someone about it, whether it is a carer, teacher or parent. Many students have told teachers and after this 67% of students bullying situations cleared up quickly. However verbal bullying can lead to physical bullying if someone is not told in time.
Thank you for listening The ways to report bullying at Fulston Manor School are as following… Tutor Class teacher Head of house Report on school website Boxes in house areas Peer mentoring scheme Confined in a peer Report to social network Contact police The one thing you must do if are reporting keep all evidence so you have proof If you are being bullied don’t be scared to tell someone a problem shared is a problem halved!
Hales Cromer Stanhope Morrison Who to contact Hales Cromer Stanhope Morrison