Updated January 2017
Here are the startling facts from the UK charity group Childline 49% of UK children have an account on a social media website 62% of UK children between the ages of 12 to 15 have a smartphone 38% of children and teens will experience cyber bullying 1.6 million times per year, children call the Childline Childline received 87% more calls about cyber bullying in 2014 than it did in 2013
Smartphone ‘apps’ Supposed to only be able to access contacts on the user’s phones Unknown individuals are able to join group chats. These apps are not safe for children to use as there is a significant risk of inappropriate contact by unknown individuals. Ensure that their children do not have access to such apps on their phone Check that all appropriate privacy settings are switched on If a child experiences or expresses concerns about online activity, it must be reported to the police using 101 and https://ceop.police.uk/ceop-reporting/. Wherever possible, a screen shot or a mobile phone picture of the concern should be taken for reporting purposes.
Felix Alexander Ronan Hughes Izzy Dix Hannah Smith Daniel Perry Amy Louise Paul
E-safety – ‘Working to Protect our Children’ 85% of children know where to go for help if they are concerned about something on internet. 90% of children know who to tell if they are sent hurtful messages on internet/phone. 89% well informed about staying safe on internet. Source: MAHPS Year 5/6 Survey 2014 We must continue to work with children on E-safety at home and at school.
And finally … Encourage all children never to stand by and leave bullying unreported Don’t dismiss unkindness as ‘banter’ Help children to understand that actions have consequences – ‘keyboard warriors’ Be role models for children Help children to self-edit before posting