Welcome to THIRD GRADE Please Sign In
Thank you to all parents for a successful start to the new year!
Our Language Arts Program is called Reading Wonders. The program will be used for Whole Group Reading, Small Group Reading, Writing, Spelling and Grammar.
Wonders Reading *Predict/Infer *Visualize *Identify Genre *Identify Main Idea & Details *Analyze Text *Cite Text Evidence *Word/Vocabulary Skills *Ask/Answer ?s *Summarize *Text Connections
Wonders Writing GENRES OF WRITING WRITING TRAITS *Personal & Fictional Narrative *Research *Friendly Letter *Book Review *How-To *Explanatory Essay *Opinion WRITING TRAITS *Ideas *Sentence Fluency *Organization *Word Choice *Conventions *Voice
Writing Process PRE-WRITE DRAFT WRITING PROCESS PROOF- READ REVISE Choose an idea and write Ideas PROOF- READ REVISE PUBLISH Rewrite & add changes Correct any mistakes
Bryn Mawr Film Institute This year, our class will participate in a FREE program from the Bryn Mawr Film Institute called “See, Hear, Feel, Film.” According to the brochure, “it is an innovative third-grade arts education program that promotes visual literacy and teaches kids to write with clarity and confidence using activities based on short films from around the world.”
Wonders Spelling/Grammar Reading Wonders has an integrated Spelling and Grammar component. By reviewing your child’s homework packet nightly you will be aware of what concepts we are focusing on each week. Students will receive a Spelling & Grammar HW packet for each unit. Students will complete one page (front/back) each evening Monday – Thursday. Students will take a Spelling & Grammar Test each Friday. Each week students will be given an opportunity to test out of the weekly spelling list and work on a challenge list by completing various homework activities.
Wonders Website
Handwriting: Zaner-Bloser Students will review lower case letters and then move through UPPER CASE.
EVERYDAY MATH Numbers / Numeration Operations and Computations Content Strands Numbers / Numeration Operations and Computations Data and Chance Measurement and Reference Frames Geometry Patterns, Functions and Algebra
EVERYDAY Mathematics Website http://connected.mcgraw-hill.com
Apps for tablets and smartphones Math Fact Café (My Links) PRACTICE MATH FACTS! Flash Cards EDM Online Games Apps for tablets and smartphones Math Fact Café (My Links) First in Math Website
Science Life Science Living Things in Our World Living Things Interact Earth Science Earth’s Land Weather and Space Physical Science Investigating Matter and Energy Exploring Forces and Motion
Science Website
Social Studies Pennsylvania Heritage Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Pennsylvania Civics & Government Unit 2 Pennsylvania History & Geography Unit 3 Pennsylvania Economy
child’s Assignment Book Homework Contents of Homework Folder: Reading Log Assignment Book Homelink Booklet Spelling/Grammar Booklet Please sign your child’s Assignment Book AND Reading Log each night.
Reading Log Take time to review the reading log with your children. It is important that your child keep up with his/her nightly reading. Refer to the front of the log for reading strategies and important information from our reading specialist regarding our school wide reading program. Weekend Readers Reward!
Assessments PSSA – ELA & Math Running Records throughout the year Wonders Reading Assessments Wonders Writing Projects Weekly Spelling Tests Math Unit Assessments Math Check-ups Science Unit Assessments
Trust Responsibility Family Caring Respect Community of Caring Community of Caring is a character education program that focuses on 5 core values. Trust Responsibility Family Caring Respect Guidance and health lessons identify these values and help students become good Candlebrook citizens as part of a Community of Caring.
Halloween – Oct.31 Winter - Dec. 22 Class Parties Halloween – Oct.31 Winter - Dec. 22 Valentine’s Day - Feb. 14 End of Year Picnic – TBA If you are assisting with a class party, please follow the Wellness Policy!
Field Trip Pennsbury Manor Spring 2017 Third Grade Musical March
Criminal Background Checks and Child Abuse Clearances Act 153 Criminal Background Checks and Child Abuse Clearances Implementation of this mandate is going to impact all of our volunteers. Whether you volunteer for one event or volunteer on a regular basis, you will be required to obtain clearances that the school will keep on file. Getting these clearances may take some time, therefore you if you are planning to volunteer you should begin the process as soon as possible.
Thanks for coming! We are going to have a great year! Any Questions?