Mission Statement The mission of Trenton Catholic Academy is to educate a diverse Pre-K to 12 student body to be responsible citizens of a global society through a challenging and relevant curriculum centered in Catholic traditions and values. Trenton Catholic Academy is a place where students…Believe, Dream, Succeed!
At Trenton Catholic Academy you will find that…
Miss Lansing’s Teaching Philosophy As a learning facilitator my goals are to: Foster creative thinking Promote academic discoveries Instill catholic values and traditions in my lessons I am determined to keep learning exciting to captivate student interest and challenge them to be life-long learners by using: Technology (I-Pads, laptops and interactive websites) Cooperative learning techniques Hands on activities
3rd Grade Curriculum Third grade is an exciting year where you will see your children branch out in their studies and take steps toward higher level problem solving. Third grade students make pivotal changes in their way of thinking and playing. Our daily curriculum includes: Religion – Incorporating “Family Life” Program monthly Math Integrated Language Arts: Reading/Writing/Phonics/Spelling/Grammar/Cursive Review Science Social Studies Incorporating “Make a Difference” Anti-Bully Program
Classroom Management This year we are continuing with the use ClassDoJo as a classroom management tool. Parents are invited to see how their child is doing during the school day. I will also post pictures of activities we will complete in school. ClassDoJo is also a great communication tool so we can reach each other quickly.
Math Practice PRODIGY This summer students were asked to continue to practice math skill on Prodigy. We will be using Prodigy again this year and I would encourage all to use this program for additional practice in math. Please let me know if you need any passwords etc.
3rd Grade Curriculum STEM We are implementing the STEM approach in our classroom teaching. Third and Fourth Graders also received lab coats from Mad Science to wear so we look and think like scientist! STEM means the integrations of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Students are encouraged to use hands on activities to solve problems, encourage thinking outside the box and trying out ideas and then working to make your idea even better. When using STEM students must also learn how to work together, compromise and strategize all while they have fun doing a hands on activity!
3rd Grade Specials Monday – 8:30 – 9:15 Music 10:15 – 11:00 Gym Tuesday - 10:00 – 10:45 Library Wednesday – 10:30 – 11:15 Art Thursday – 10:00 – 10:45 Spanish Friday – 9:00 – 10:45 Technology
Grading Policy Grading is very different in third grade than years before. Students will get a letter grade. The following is the grading policy: Tests – 45% Quizzes – 25% Special Projects/Assignments 10% Class Participation 10% Homework 10 % Third grade parents will have access to Parent Portal and will be able to see your child’s grades at anytime.
Grading Policy A 100% - 93% B 92% - 85% C 84% - 75% D 74% - 70% F 69%
Homework Please check on my website for homework. http://trentoncatholic.org/directory.htm I will give each student a grade for homework at the end of the marking period. I keep track of daily homework assignments just not in Genesis. Missing Homework – all students are responsible to make up any missed homework and will not have recess for that day. A form and/or a call home will follow.
Homework Homework is listed online on my website. I will be creating a new HOMEWORK form for missing homework. Please be sure that missing HOMEWORK FORM is completed and signed. Also please check in their TAKE HOME FOLDER as well for any important reminders. If homework is completed when due the student is responsible for doing it the next night in ADDITION to their regular homework.
Tutoring Schedule I will be offering tutoring for my class on Tuesday 2:20 – 3:20. You will need to pick your child up at 3:20 or they will get signed into our Afterschool Program. Please let me know if you want your child to stay for extra help.
Contact Please feel free to email me with any questions or concerns throughout the year. You can also call my extension 209. blansing@trentoncatholic.org Check out the website at: http://trentoncatholic.org/directory.htm