Riaz Esmailzadeh riazesma@andrew.cmu.edu Chapter 1 Introduction Riaz Esmailzadeh riazesma@andrew.cmu.edu
Why Telecom Telecommunications is a human need IT can be defined as information transfer across space and time First telecommunications systems used fire, smoke or sound to alert friends about the approach of a foe. Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh
The Royal Mail One example of a long distance telecommunications system is the Royal Mail This road was built by the Persian Empire to connect major centres of the empire which stretched form India to North Africa The distance between Susa the Imperial capital and Lydia a major provincial centre was 2700 km. Travelling this distance on foot would take 90 days. The Royal Mail couriers would cover this distance in 7 days. Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh
Why Did the Persians Build This Road? Your turn! And what were the elements of importance to make it a success. Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh
Telecommunications and Information Management Telecommunications is an important component of the Information Flow Model. It glues different functions of the model It is instrumental in Information collection and dissemination Efficient telecommunications systems, and innovations create competitive advantages Information Collection Processing and Storage Analysis and Creation Dissemination Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh
Technology Business and Policy Three factors contribute to the success of any product Technology: how effectively it provides a value to end users Business: what are the costs of delivering the value Policy: how national and international regulations govern the value proposition and delivery These three elements impact on a product success to varying degrees: At times some of these factors may not play a significant role Broadband telecommunications is one industry/product that is impacted greatly by all these three factors An analysis of broadband system must consider Technology, Business and Policy elements Technology Policy Business Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh
Broadband Telecommunications Eco-System From an end-user point of view, a broadband telecommunications system is a mean for connecting to others and to diverse content Three business layer may be identified which facilitate this content delivery An infrastructure layer delivers the physical data. An operator at this layer manages the cables and wireless towers which transmit and receive the data: examples are NBN, Telstra. One or more companies at the retail Layer manage the customer and content delivery. Examples are Optus, Telstra, Internode. Many companies produce content of interest to a wide range of subscribers. Examples are Youtube, Facebook, WeChat, Amazon, Google search, etc. Content and Services Layer Connectivity Retail Layer Infrastructure Layer Subscriber / End user Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh
Why Broadband Telecommunications Because it is the infrastructure of the 21st century. There is a great need for these services, and also for professionals who can provide them Job growth in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) field has been the fastest of any industry in the past two decades Growth Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh
Growth of ICT The ICT industry has been the engine of growth in OECD countries for the past two decades. It grew at a rate of 7% cumulatively over the first 9 years of this century It counted for 9.5% of US GDP and 6% of European GDP in 2010. ICT share Year Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh
Field of Innovation Companies in this field spend greatly on R&D Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh
Great Service Need: Great Growth Telecom is the only field that has 100% global coverage? The number of mobile phone subscriptions is larger than the population of the earth Subscriber numbers (billions) Year Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh
Broadband Services Are Still Growing While mobile telephony has grown, access to broadband is still growing and is expected to grow for the foreseeable future This is fixed broadband: Subscriber numbers (billions) Market Penetration Year Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh
Wireless Broadband Wireless services have higher market penetration rates Why?! Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh
Summary In this course we cover telecommunications in a holistic way We consider the industry’s eco systems from content provider, retailer and infrastructure point of view We look at technology, business and policy aspects of the industry We introduce concepts and tools to enable us to analyse telecommunications, and generally ICT industries Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh