Summary of Nuclear Input for Safety Analysis for the DCLL TBM -update-


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Presentation transcript:

Summary of Nuclear Input for Safety Analysis for the DCLL TBM -update- Mahmoud Z Youssef UCLA Contents: - Nuclear Heating and Tritium Production During Operation - Activation and After Heat levels at shutdown and at several times thereafter (after reaching conservative fluence level of 0.3 MWa/m2) - Information (in digital form) were sent to INL (B. Merrill) for further safety analysis Presented at ITER-TBM Meeting, UCLA, February 14-15, 2007

total TBM thermal power of 0.872 MW Nuclear Heating Component Nuclear Heating (MW) First Wall 0.082 Side Walls 0.036 Top/Bottom Walls 0.011 Flow Channel Divider 0.012 Radial Ribs 0.017 Back Wall 0.071 Front Pb-17Li Channel 0.253 Back Pb-17Li Channel 0.146 Total 0.628 Power density in Be PFC 8.6 W/cm3 Peak power density in FS structure 8.2 W/cm3 Peak power density in Pb-17Li 18 W/cm3 Peak power density in SiC FCI 5.9 W/cm3 Adding surface heating at FW results in total TBM thermal power of 0.872 MW Nuclear Energy multiplication is 1.006

Tritium Production Tritium generation rate in the TBM is 2.1x1017 atom/s (1.02x10-6 g/s) during a D-T pulse with 500 MW fusion power 0.3 MWa/m2 average FW fluence corresponds to 4700 hr at full power. Neill Taylor recommended using this number for safety analysis. It was used by EU Total tritium production is 17.3 g Tritium production in the Be PFC is 1.4x10-9 g/s  0.024 g total Peak tritium production rate in LiPb is 2.94x10-8 kg/m3s during the D-T pulse

Assumptions/data used in the Activation/Afterheat calculations Average NWL at TBM= 0.78 MW/m2 TBM has the dimension of 62 cm toroidal x 200 cm poloidal x 100 cm radial (including 69.5 back shield) Average NWL in ITER =0.57 MW/m2 A pulse is composed of 400 s on and 1800 sec off Number of pulses to reach a fluence of 0.3 MWa/m2 at average NWL=0.57 MW/m2 is 41494 pulse Structure (F82H) and SiC inserts are irradiated during a pulse and allowed to decay during the 1800 dwell time. This is repeated 41494 times. For LiPb breeder in addition to the above irradiation scenario, within each pulse it is irradiated for 36 sec and un-irradiated for 20 sec

The waste disposal rating (WDR) depends on the level of the long-term activation. For the F82H structure: Nb-94 (T1/2=2.03x104 y), Mn-53 (T1/2=3.7x106 y), Ni-59 (T1/2=7.5x104 y), and Nb-91(T1/2=6.8x102 y) For Pb-17Li breeder: Pb-205 isotope (T1/2=1.52x107 y) For SiC insert: C-14 (T1/2=5730 y) Be-10 (T1/2=1.51x106 y) The WDR was evaluated according to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) 10FR61and Fetter waste disposal concentration limits. The limits given are based on the assumption that all solid components are crushed before being disposed (no voids). The WDR values according to the conservative limits of Fetter are: For F82H structure: 1.3x10-2 For Pb-17Li breeder: 8.7x10-3 For SiC insert are: 2.1x10-4, The WDR values are much lower than unity and therefore these materials are qualified for shallow land burial according to the Class C limits.