© The Author(s) 2014. Published by Science and Education Publishing. Table 1. Details of the localities of the thirteen populations of Munronia pinnata used for the study Population code Locality District Number of Leaflets Altitude (M) Agro- climatic zone Rainfall (mm) APRG-5 Ritigala Anuradhapura 5 396 DL-3 1000-1500 BDHM-3 Haldummulla Badulla 3 960 IU-1 2000-2500 GPPW-3 Pallewela Gampaha 35 WL-1 3500-4000 GPWP-3 Warakapola 125 KGKP-5 Kuliyapitiya Kurunegala 30 DL-1 1500-2000 MGMD-3 Madulla Moneragala 196 IL-1 2500-3000 MGMG-9/11 Srivijayapura 9 /11 220 MGNG-3 Nilgala 283 IL2 MGWW-7 Wellawaya 7 192 MTMM-5/7 Meemure Matale 5 /7 420 WM-2 MTNU-5 Naula 375 NEKP-3 Kithulpe Nuwaraeliya 720 WU 3000-3500 NEMR--3 Mathurata 1050 DL- Low country dry zone; IU- Up country intermediate zone; WL- Low country wet zone; IL- Low country intermediate zone; WM-Mid country wet zone; WU-Up country wet zone. R.M. Dharmadasa et al. Anatomical Traits as an Additional Taxonomic Tool for Munronia pinnata (Wall.) Theob. (Meliaceae) Found in Sri Lanka. World Journal of Agricultural Research, 2014, Vol. 2, No. 4, 142-150. doi:10.12691/wjar-2-4-1 © The Author(s) 2014. Published by Science and Education Publishing.