Non-accelerator and Astroparticle Physics: discussion, summary ... with my thanks to: ● Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille for her exciting review talk ● Mathieu de Naurois, sci. secretary, for discussion session ● Contributors to discussion, esp. for transparencies 1 Feb 2006 M.Cavalli-Sforza - CERN Council Open Symposium
Non-accelerator particle and astroparticle physics - Dark matter - Proton decay - Particle Astrophysics Ultra high energy cosmic rays Gamma rays Neutrinos - Dark energy 1 Feb 2006 M.Cavalli-Sforza - CERN Council Open Symposium
M.Cavalli-Sforza - CERN Council Open Symposium What is Astroparticle Physics? A continuum: (J.Ellis): from using Particle Physics tools to research AstroPhysics themes, to using AstroPhysics instruments to research Particle Physics issues ApPEC (R.Wade):The OR of what Funding agencies call Astroparticle: from 0ν2β decay to Cosmic rays to Gravitational Waves. Hence, covering a very broad field: much of of Precision Physics session, all of this session, and more. 1 Feb 2006 M.Cavalli-Sforza - CERN Council Open Symposium
A few important statements from ApPEC ApPEC roadmap in advanced stage of preparation. Because of growth, need of coordination, priorities Future large projects reach the scale of hundreds of M€ Accelerated increase in sensitivity in nearly all fields Need close coordination with CERN strategy group, in particular on fields appearing in both strategy papers. 1 Feb 2006 M.Cavalli-Sforza - CERN Council Open Symposium
Ongoing collaborations pointing to future of field: ILIAS : Integrated Large Infrastructures for Astroparticle Science: focus on DM, 0ν2β, gravitational waves, in underground labs (G.Gerbier) KM3NET: neutrino astrophysics design study, goal is convergence of 3 programs in Mediterranean (P.Coyle) 1 Feb 2006 M.Cavalli-Sforza - CERN Council Open Symposium
M.Cavalli-Sforza - CERN Council Open Symposium Light regeneration Future Plans for axions CAST, TOKYO maxion < 1-1.2 eV (solar) ADMX maxion < 10-4 eV (DM) Motivated by PVLAS result: continues own tests Direct tests CERN light-regeneration + polarization DESY VUV-FEL + 5 magnets 2006- regenerated γ’s test PVLAS JeffersonLab FEL < 1 eV “PVLAS type” experiment pulsed magnet Toulouse 2007- Low energy (solar) axions Astrophysical obs’s axion(-like) particles solar X-rays, light polarization (quasars), … RHESSI, SMART, …. ILIAS-CAST-CERN Axion training / workshops also underground detectors DRIFT, … ORSAY, 31/1/2006 K. Zioutas Univ. Patras RHIC ALICE CP-violating events? 1 Feb 2006 M.Cavalli-Sforza - CERN Council Open Symposium
Contributions to discussion (I): On the tools: Undergrounds labs have multidisciplinary value (E. Coccia, LNGS) Large vs. Small: preserve resources for pioneering expts, novel R&D! Don’t let large programs take it all. (G.Wrochna) Cosmic rays, GKZ cutoff: Experiments in space (OWL,EUSO) can go beyond GKZ, maybe unveil violation of Lorentz invariance (L.Gonzalez-Mestres) Projects for beyond-GKZ neutrino telescopes (radio- wave, acoustic detectors) have discovery potential for particle physics (A.Ringwald) 1 Feb 2006 M.Cavalli-Sforza - CERN Council Open Symposium
Contributions to discussion (II): Neutrinos, Q. (Vissani): detecting tau-ν, how often? A. (offline): about 10% of mu-ν Dark Energy: (W.Mitaroff, S.Katsanevas, J.Ellis, E.Fernandez) Q. is it really there? A. YES, independent techniques coincide Q. Does Dark Energy “belong” to Particle Physics? A.: YES, despite astronomical techniques, issue is P.P.! Is it only for space explorations? NO, from ground too. 1 Feb 2006 M.Cavalli-Sforza - CERN Council Open Symposium
My own observations/conclusions Non-accelerator/astroparticle/observational cosmology in great expansion: people, $, facilities, physics reach, precicsion... but also: AP centers at PP labs, courses in PP schools... Why? Strong scientific reasons, but also excitement of young field, more rapid cycle of design/construction/ exploitation of facilities, smaller collaborations (for most, not all themes) Some lines of research more promising for Astrophysics, others more for Particle Physics discoveries. 20 years ago, many thought Astroparticle was “not particle physics”. Where are they now? 1 Feb 2006 M.Cavalli-Sforza - CERN Council Open Symposium