Using Cluster.exe You can use the Cluster.exe command line tool for all cluster administration and you can script it.
When you install the Cluster Administrator, the command line Cluster When you install the Cluster Administrator, the command line Cluster.exe program is also installed in the %Systemroot%\System32 folder. You can also use Cluster.exe from a command line or a script to automate many cluster administration tasks. Applications and administration tools use remote procedure calls (RPC) to communicate with the Cluster.exe program.
CLUSTER [cluster name] /version Cluster Commands The basic cluster syntax is: CLUSTER [cluster name] /option The cluster name is optional. If you do not specify a cluster name, Cluster.exe attempts to connect to the cluster that is running on the node on which you are running Cluster.exe. To test connectivity with a cluster, or to ensure that you can use Cluster.exe, check the version name by using the command: CLUSTER [cluster name] /version For specific administration commands using Cluster.exe, see the Job Aid, Cluster Commands, in the Appendix.
Scripting Administration Using Cluster.exe You can script all of the Cluster.exe commands. You can use scripts to build or rebuild a cluster, or to make global changes across many clusters. You can run the scripts through a batch file, for example *.bat or *.cmd. You can use Cluster.exe with a scripting tool, such as Microsoft Visual Basic® Scripting Edition.
Demonstration: Administration Using Cluster.exe Let’s take a look at a sample script that will create a group, an IP resource and a name resource. You can follow the script step-by-step as it runs on the instructor’s computer.
In this demonstration the instructor will run a script that creates a group, IP number, and network name using Cluster.exe. The batch file pauses before and after every remark.
REM Line 1 – 4: Create a Group:Mygroup bring the group online, set owners and get status of the group. 1. CLUSTER mycluster group Mygroup /create 2. CLUSTER mycluster group Mygroup /Online 3. CLUSTER mycluster group Mygroup /Setowners:nodea,nodeb 4. CLUSTER mycluster GROUP mygroup /status REM Line 5: Create the IP Address resource: myip. 5. CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE myip /create /Group:mygroup / Type:"Ip Address" REM Line 6 – 10: Define the IP Address parameters and check Status. 6. CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE myip /priv network="Cluster Public" 7. CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE myip /priv address= 8. CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE myip /priv subnetmask= 9. CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE myip /priv EnableNetBIOS=1 10. CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE myip /Stat
REM Line 11:View the myip properties. 11. CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE myip /prop REM Line 12: View the private properties. 12. CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE myip /priv REM Line 13: Bring online and wait 60 sec. for completion. 13. CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE myip /Online /Wait:60 REM Line 14: Create a network name resource in mygroup. 14. CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE mynetname /Create /Group:mygroup /Type:"Network Name" REM Line 15 – 17: Set parameters for mynetname and bring online. 15. CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE mynetname /priv Name="ClusterSvr" 16. CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE mynetname /Adddependency:myip 17. CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE mynetname /Online /Wait:60 REM Line 18: Check the status of the Cluster. 18. CLUSTER mycluster GROUP mygroup /Stat REM Line 19: Move the group Mygroup to NodeB 19. CLUSTER mycluster GROUP Mygroup /MoveTo:NodeB /Wait:120