The Antiwar Movement: Vietnam War Objective: Examine the role public opinion and protests played in the Vietnam War.
The Nation Divided The American people were deeply divided over the Vietnam War Split into two different groups: HAWKS: supported the war in Vietnam; wanted the government to launch an all-out military offensive to defeat the North Vietnamese DOVES: opposed the war in Vietnam; believed the war could not be won and was morally wrong Doves organized protests against the war – including sit-ins and marches
Public Opposition at Universities Early criticism took the form of “teach-ins” at college campuses First occurred at University of Michigan in March 1965 At these meetings, protesters came together to show government strong opposition to the war and the draft Generational gap begins to occur with younger Americans opposing the war – “peace campaign” Older Americans (those who came of age during WWII) were generally supportive of the government’s actions in Vietnam Criticism of the Lyndon Johnson Administration became widespread as the number of Americans killed in Vietnam increased (see chart on next slide)
American Casualties in Vietnam 1965-1968
Protests and Marches
Anti-War Movement – Jane Fonda Source: US Congress House Committee on Internal Security, Travel to Hostile Areas, HR 16742, 19- 25 September, 1972, page 7671 This is Jane Fonda. During my two week visit in the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, I've had the opportunity to visit a great many places and speak to a large number of people from all walks of life- workers, peasants, students, artists and dancers, historians, journalists, film actresses, soldiers, militia girls, members of the women's union, writers. One thing that I have learned beyond a shadow of a doubt since I've been in this country is that Nixon will never be able to break the spirit of these people; he'll never be able to turn Vietnam, north and south, into a neo-colony of the United States by bombing, by invading, by attacking in any way. One has only to go into the countryside and listen to the peasants describe the lives they led before the revolution to understand why every bomb that is dropped only strengthens their determination to resist.
Jane Fonda (Cont.) I've spoken to many peasants who talked about the days when their parents had to sell themselves to landlords as virtually slaves, when there were very few schools and much illiteracy, inadequate medical care, when they were not masters of their own lives. But now, despite the bombs, despite the crimes being created- being committed against them by Richard Nixon, these people own their own land, build their own schools-the children learning, literacy- illiteracy is being wiped out. In other words, the people have taken power into their own hands, and they are controlling their own lives.
Famous Musicians Against the War Jimi Hendrix Neil Young Bob Dylan Jefferson Airplane
Oh! Camil (The Winter Soldier) Graham Nash (1973) Oh! Camil, tell me what did you mother say, when you left those people out in the fields, rotting along with the hay Did you show her your medals Did you show her your guns Did you show her the ears that you wore Did you show her a picture of the people you killed not for God, but for country and war Oh! Camil, tell me why are you in this place When you stood up for justice your country replied by throwing it back in your face. When you tell me your story are you making amends for all of the hatred you saw Will you tell all the people about the people that cry out for God not for country or war Oh Camil, tell me how do you feel You fought for your country for God and for war, now your heart tells you that can't be real. So you tell me your story from beginning to end all the blood and the guts and the gore will you tell all the people 'bout the people you killed, not for God, but for country and war
Public Opinion of the War SUPPORT FOR THE WAR AS MEASURED BY "NO“ RESPONSES TO THE MISTAKE QUESTION ASKED: "In view of developments since we entered the fighting in Vietnam, do you think the U.S. made a mistake sending troops to fight in Vietnam?" (Gallup)
Vietnam War and Television Vietnam was the first televised or “living room” war Each evening, national news outlets would show film of the gruesome war and fighting that occurred that day Film was no longer censored like it had been during WWII so public saw a new side of the war – the actual battlefields Public was shown scenes of battles in progress, the dead and wounded, and the coffins of the dead being unloaded One theory is that exposure to the blood and horror of the war on TV helped turn many Americans against the war