Integrated Care NIS 2015-16
Tower Hamlets vision: Working together for better quality, person-centred care
The population Nelie risk: to identify those at high risk of admission Clinical judgement important 3 emerging groups: Complex needs: (LYOL, care homes, dementia etc.) Transition: acute community Long term conditions
Context of revised NIS AUA DES-overlap of populations and requirements Feedback from front-line clinicians (number of changes, need for stability) Maintain the same level of investment
Changes Adding a new population: 4.1-6% for entry level care: consent Patient activation measure (PAM) –measures skills, knowledge, confidence for self-management. Qnnaires for Level 2 patients, 13 questions, x2 qnnaires, both scores to be coded
PAM pam-score-reveals
In summary Population Entry level-consent (£10) Level 1: crisis plan (£90) and named clinician (£5) Level 2: personalised planning process including LYOL care (£110) and PAM (£5 x2) 4.1-6% Top 4% 4 mandatory categories and old discretionary