Implementation Angola Djibouti Kenya Mauritius Mozambique Nambia South Africa Tanzania
Implementation Djibouti Kenya Mauritius Mozambique Nambia South Africa Sudan Tanzania
Implementation Angola Government approval status • IMPA – Instituto Maritimo Portuario de Angola • Gates procedures defined: Luanda - weighbridge available inside terminal Namibe - weighbridge available inside terminal Lobito - weighbridge available inside terminal
Implementation Djibouti Government approval status • Djibouti Port and Free Zone Authority has confirmed VGM verification with effect from 01.07.2016 • Tolerance level is maximum payload of the containers and if exceeded maximum payload a penalty of 100% of THC and Loading cost will be applicable. • DCT is authorized to weigh all container and if any discrepancy found terminal will reject loading • Gates procedures defined – important: containers will not be accepted without VGM
Implementation Kenya Government approval status • None found Participants are encouraged to visit the KMA website Commercial Shipping downloads for more information
Implementation Mauritius Government approval status • The Ministry of Ocean Economy, Marine Resources, Fisheries, Shipping & Outer Islands is in charge of implementation in Mauritius. • A detailed procedure has been issued by the Ministry and new regulations are expected to be published. • The VGM will be implemented in conjunction with the Mauritius Cargo Community System (CCS) for Export. • A soft launch has started in Mauritius on 16th June 2016. • A maximum of 5% variation in gross mass of a loaded container is applied as a threshold for compliance and enforcement purposes.
Implementation Mozambique • INAMAR-Instituto Nacional da Marinha. • Tolerance: +-5%, fines / penalties: Omissions or false VGM= 50 X 6036.00 MZM (Minimum Wage); weight above 5% tolerance= 80 X 6036.00 MZM; omission of VGM=80 X 6036.00 MZM. • Level of control expected: Weight certificate must be attached to the VGM declaration. • Method 2: subject to accreditation by INAMAR • Gates procedures defined: Container will not be accepted at gate without VGM declaration. • Please note that VGM regulation is still pending government approval.
Implementation Namibia Government approval status • NSI will be the authority in Namibia enforcing the SOLAS requirements regarding the verification of the gross mass of packed containers in Namibia. • Unless a shipper or his authorized agent have supplied the VGM to Namport a container shall not be loaded and all charges related thereto shall be for the shipper/forwarders account. • NSI is fully responsible for the verification process. • A container cannot enter the port without a shipping order. This has to be submitted to Customer Care Namport, Namport Export Desk and MSC. • VGM to be provided on the shipping order (prior to gate in) and must also be submitted via the Namport VGM declaration to be handed to Namport Customer Care prior to stack closure. • The VGM must be submitted by completing the prescribed declaration together with the Namport shipping order
Implementation South Africa Authority in charge in South Africa Authority in charge in South Africa • The South African Maritime Authority (SAMSA) has been tasked with enforcing the SOLAS requirements regarding the verification of the gross mass of packed containers in South Africa. • Certification of Method 2 • SAMSA accredited third parties have been appointed to assess and authorize the process utilized by shippers using Method 2 for determining the VGM of containers packed within the Republic of South Africa. • A list of SAMSA accredited companies has been published in SAMSA’s Marine Notice No. 31 of 2016 available on the SAMSA website.
Implementation Sudan ?
Implementation Tanzania Government approval status
Implementation United Kingdom Government approval status Government approval status
Marine Guidance Notice FAQs Approved Organisations Implementation United Kingdom Preparation Marine Guidance Notice FAQs Approved Organisations
Preparation Implementation United Kingdom MCA involved in the development of the VGM programme. Discussions with terminal operators Discussions with Shippers and Freight forwarders MCA and USCG were active participants within the correspondence and working groups developing the amendment to SOLAS and the associated Guidelines. Major ports in the UK participated in briefing and Q&A sessions organised by the MCA well in advance of the final approval of the SOLAS amendment to ensure that the concerns of the port operators were fully understood and catered for in the final drafts Likewise shipper and freight forwarder groups were consulted with at about the same time These two groups need to feel that they are involved in the development of national guides and regulations so that they are able to manage the transition of VGM and to improve systems over time.
2. Marine Guidance Notice Implementation United Kingdom 2. Marine Guidance Notice The first version of the MGN was produced in March 2015. Circulated to major players in the transport chain for discussion Revised and final published in June 2015
2. Marine Guidance Notice Implementation United Kingdom 2. Marine Guidance Notice Merchant Shipping (carriage of Cargoes) Regulations 1999. Annex to MGN 534 The Marine Guidance Notice advises the shipping industry of the (at the time) forthcoming changes to SOLAS and that there would be no change to Regulation 4 of the Merchant Shipping (Carriage of Cargoes)
3. FAQs Implementation United Kingdom MCA produced an early version that was discussed at the IMO. Passed on the TT Club, ICHCA International, WCC and GSF. Published UK National FAQs on June 1st 2016
4. Approved Organisations Implementation United Kingdom 4. Approved Organisations Organisations that propose to provide VGM by Method 2 Approval Process Dissemination
4. Approved Organisations Implementation United Kingdom 4. Approved Organisations Organisations that propose to provide VGM by Method 2 Approval Process Dissemination
Implementation Annex to MGN 534 1 Introduction 2 Definitions 3 Scope 4 Main Principles 5 Methods for obtaining the verified gross mass of a packed container 6 Documentation 7 Information flow within the supply chain – shipper-carrier interface 8 Discrepancies in gross mass 9 Containers exceeding their maximum gross mass 10 Empty containers 11 Contingencies for containers received without a verified gross mass 12 Mis-declarations 13 Enforcement The Marine Guidance Notice advises the shipping industry of the (at the time) forthcoming changes to SOLAS and that there would be no change to Regulation 4 of the Merchant Shipping (Carriage of Cargoes)
Implementation United Kingdom List of Annexes Annex 1 Definitions Annex 2 Method 2 Application Process to Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) Annex 3 Methods for obtaining the verified gross mass of a packed container Annex 4 Bibliography and supplementary information United Kingdom The Marine Guidance Notice advises the shipping industry of the (at the time) forthcoming changes to SOLAS and that there would be no change to Regulation 4 of the Merchant Shipping (Carriage of Cargoes)