DEVELOPING a WORLD of LEADERS: From Leadership to SuperLeadership Charles C. Manz Nirenberg Professor of Leadership University of Massachusetts
PETER DRUCKER said … Efficiency is Doing Things Right. Effectiveness is Doing the Right Things. Similarly it follows … Management - Doing Things Right. Leadership - Doing the Right Things.
WEST Meets EAST The West (e.g., U.S.) –More Individualistic, Shorter Term View, Search for One Truth (avoid uncertainty) The East (e.g., Asia) – More Collective, Longer Term View, Search for Virtue w/ Multiple Views/Truths (accept uncertainty)
Inc. magazine interview Peter F. Drucker Inc. magazine interview Inc. -- Do you think that we in the United States are the best practitioners of entrepreneurship, that we are way ahead of other countries? Drucker -- Absolutely not! Inc. -- Who’s number one? Drucker -- Undoubtedly Korea.
Tin Cup 1 As a leader… would you want this person working for you?
The Knowledge Explosion Knowledge is Growing at an Ever-Increasing Rate World Wide. No One Person Can Have All the Answers Anymore (if they ever could). The Knowledge and Experience of Everyone is Needed.
Most definitions say Leadership is about the influence of others. (e.g., “process of influencing followers toward goal achievement”)
“Leader Centered” Leadership Focus: commands, rewards, leader’s vision ... Power: based on position, rewards, charisma… Leader: does primary thinking …others follow Develop Followers: “yes persons,” “calculators,” “enthusiastic sheep.”
A Japanese company and an American company had a boat race …
Michael Walsh Late CEO, Tenneco Corp “In a hierarchical organization bosses don’t do much… They just preside and take all the credit … A lot of people are buried down there and their bosses are happy to keep them buried.” Michael Walsh Late CEO, Tenneco Corp
Tin Cup 2 Now, as a leader… would you want this person working for you?
Leadership is about the influence of others. Self-Leadership is about the influence of oneself. All Influence is ultimately self-imposed. (SuperLeaders help “followers” become their own leaders.)
Two Primary Challenges of Leadership … 1) To not harm others and 2) To not make others weak
A man found a cocoon with a small hole made by a struggling butterfly … then the butterfly stopped and made no further progress … so he decided to “help” …
Leaders develop Leaders … the first step to becoming a leader of others is to learn to effectively lead oneself.
“Give a man a fish and he will be fed for a day; teach a man to fish and he will be fed for a lifetime.”
SuperLeadership: Leading Others to Lead Themselves Focus: on self-leaders Power: shared Self-leaders (“followers”): do primary thinking; “leader” coordinates for good of the organization Develop Leaders: independent and interdependent self-leaders … and SuperLeaders
“The best leader is the one who has the sense to surround himself with outstanding people and the self-restraint not to meddle with how they do their jobs.” F.C. Harrison
7 STEPS TO SuperLeadship Become a Self-Leader Model Self-Leadership
Self-Help! Self-Help!
7 STEPS TO SuperLeadship Become a Self-Leader Model Self-Leadership Encourage Self-Set Goals Reward & Feedback for Self-Leadership Create Positive Thought Patterns
7 STEPS TO SuperLeadship Become a Self-Leader Model Self-Leadership Encourage Self-Set Goals Reward & Feedback for Self-Leadership Create Positive Thought Patterns Facilitate Self-Leading Teams Develop a Self-Leadership Culture
Tin Cup 3