Related Studies ~Design Intermediate 2 Related Studies ~Design The History of Jewellery Design Looking at Art Deco
Art Deco is the name of the design style which followed on from Art Nouveau Its name comes from the French words “ARTS DECORATIFS” ~ which were adapted into “Art Deco “ (meaning decorative art). Tamara De Lempika ~ Woman in Green
The Art Deco period was fashionable from the 1920’s TILL THE 1930’s and is recognised as being both a modern and GLAMOROUS style.
The jewellery that was designed was intended to be worn to compliment the fashion of the time which was called the “Flapper “style . The word “Flapper” comes from a dance called the Charleston ,which was very popular at the time.(Dancers flapped their arms and legs around like birds.) JAZZ music was very popular
While Art Nouveau designer based their work on natural form, Art Deco designers used a wide range of stimulus. GEOMETRIC shapes were a favourite motif as well as bright colours Art Deco bracelet ~ silver and lacquer by Jean Dunand Clarice Cliff Plate
Weather features like SUNRISES and bolts of LIGHTING were also popular motifs used in Art Deco design
The invention of the motor car and development of other forms of travel like trains, planes and ships also inspired Art Deco designers and many of their designs are styled to look streamlined. SPEED was seem as very glamorous and foreign travel was available only for the wealthy at this time.
Art Deco Magazine cover Clarice Cliff ~ Pottery Everyone was dancing to the latest music craze ~ JAZZ. Jazz music came over from America and its influence affected not only music but design too. Art Deco Magazine cover Clarice Cliff ~ Pottery
The BALLET RUSSES, a Russian ballet company, also influenced designers with their bold use of colour as well as African art e.g. masks which were also popular motifs EYGPTian themed costume design Architectural metalwork
Decorated Egyptian pillars The discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb also made Egyptian motifs and colours popular. Decorated Egyptian pillars were often used to inspire the pattern and colour on pieces of Art Deco jewellery
Art Deco version of the Egyptian motif All things Egyptian from hieroglyphic symbols to Egyptian gods and goddesses were used as inspiration e.g. Khepris an Egyptian god was represented by the scarab beetle Art Deco version of the Egyptian motif Egyptian decoration
Film star life and Hollywood glamour was also an influence as, after the War, people wanted a bit of sparkle in their life and so “paste” jewellery become very popular. This paste was able to imitate the sparkle of diamonds but at a fraction of the price and is where we get “COSTUME jewellery” from today (i.e. affordable “bling”)
Art Movements like CUBISM, FUTURISM and Fauvism influenced many of the designs made with their modern geometric and mechanical shapes and bold colours Cubist still Life by Juan Gris Art Deco tea set
Modern new man made materials were also popular e. g Modern new man made materials were also popular e.g. BAKELITE ~ an early form of plastic which was tough, light and could be made in bright colours, while PLATINUMwas used as an alternative to silver and gold.