Notes at - A Call to Reach All Beth Ackerman Notes at -
Our Mission in Reaching ALL students The Great Commission Matt. 28:19-20 Luke 15 Making Disciples Luke 6:40 & Phil 4:9
Elitism vs. The Least of These Job 29:14-16 Luke 14:12-14 Luke 9:48
PRAY for your Students How can I better understand the needs of these students? Why did God place these particular students in my care? What am I to teach these students? How will God teach me through these students?
We Pray for Children
A mission for tolerating ALL people I Thes. 5:14 Psalm 41:1 Romans 12: 3a, 6a
JOY!!!! Jesus Others (even the difficult ones ) You
You Practice the spiritual disciplines to guard your heart. Corporate Worship and Prayer Bible Study SOLITUDE Celebration Etc