Department of Behavioral Learning: Update Dr. Linda Burruss Director March 23, 2017
The Department of Behavioral Learning Implemented Many New Initiatives This Year These include: Retirement of the Code of Student Conduct Implementation of the Behavioral Learning Guide (BLG) Assist schools with selecting appropriate disciplinary interventions Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Restorative Practices BLG Liaisons
There are striking differences between the Code of Student Conduct and the Behavioral Learning Guide CSC (2015-2016 SY) BLG (2016-2017 SY) One document for K - 12 One document for elementary/one document for secondary Rigid and punitive Progressive and less punitive Limited opportunity for re-teaching expected behavior Restorative practices and Interventions
The Department of Behavioral Learning Conducts Ongoing Professional Development Behavioral Learning Guide (BLG) Training: Administrative Conference – July 22, 2016 SPED Coordinators – July 26, 2016 Campus Security Officers (CSO) – July 27, 2016 Substitute Teachers – July 28 & 29, 2016 LAUNCH Academy – November 9, 2016
The Department of Behavioral Learning Conducts Ongoing Professional Development Behavioral Learning Guide (BLG) Training: Faculty Meetings: Grissom High School – January 4, 2017 Sonnie Hereford Elementary – January 9, 2017 Farley Elementary – January 11, 2017 Lee High School/New Century Tech. H.S. – January 25, 2017 Rolling Hills Elementary – February 8, 2017
The Department of Behavioral Learning Conducted Meetings for the Public
The Department of Behavioral Learning Conducts Ongoing Professional Development Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS) Training: All HCS Schools had PBIS Tier 1 training during the 2015-16 school year : September 14 - 15, 2015 October 12 - 13, 2015 March 7-8, 9-10, 11 and 14, 2016 We have started implementing PBIS Tier 2 training this school year.
The Department of Behavioral Learning Conducts Ongoing Professional Development Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS) Training: Bus Drivers – April 22, 2016 The LAUNCH Academy – December 2 and 16, 2016 Bus Drivers/CSOs/SROs – February 15, 2017 Restorative Practices Training: Principals, APs, TOSAs, Counselors, Social Workers, and Directors – April 28-29, 2016 and May 16-17, 2016
The Department of Behavioral Learning Conducts Ongoing Professional Development BLG Liaison Meetings: Monthly meetings at the District to receive training and support to take back to their school and to provide their schools’ feedback and support. April/May 2016 July 18 or 19, 2016 August 2, 2016 Monthly from August 2016 – April 2017
The Department of Behavioral Learning Regularly Reviews Student Discipline Data Behavioral Learning reviews data in a variety of ways: Each week, we review the data to review school-level trends. Each month, we work with other departments to determine district-wide trends. When we receive a call for an expulsion, we work with the school to review the data to determine compliance with the BLG.
The Department of Behavioral Learning Regularly Reviews Student Discipline Data As a part of our review, we have identified the following trends: The number of In-School Suspensions (ISS) and Out-of-School Suspensions (OSS) are about the same for 2015-16 and 2016-17. The number of expulsions is down significantly from 2015-16.
The Percentage of Students Receiving Either an ISS or an OSS is About the Same Year-to-Year Percent of Students with at least 1 ISS or at least 1 OSS through the end of the 3rd 9 Weeks Year
The Number of Students Expelled/Found Guilty has Drastically Decreased The number of students expelled/found guilty through the end of the 3rd 9 Weeks Year
The Department of Behavioral Learning Has Analyzed the Reasons for these Trends The reduction in expulsions is driven by a focus on progressive discipline and interventions. Before a school can expel a student, it must demonstrate good faith interventions over time. This often requires schools to try different interventions, and not just punishment, to reach a student. Expulsion is rarely the first step unless the student’s behavior is particularly dangerous.
The Department of Behavioral Learning Has Analyzed the Reasons for these Trends The static ISS and OSS data makes sense in light of the reduction in expulsion. In the past, more students were expelled. Now, schools are keeping those students in school to work through discipline problems. These students now have more ISS and OSS instead of simply being expelled. Also, implementing Restorative Practices and PBIS is challenging, and it is still new to most of our schools. As schools get better at these interventions, ISS and OSS numbers should decrease.
These plans will ensure: HCS and the Department of Behavioral Learning are Making Plans to Address Issues Identified This Year These plans will ensure: That there is consistency in implementation across all schools Documents for checking utilization of training Feedback from schools about useful training That school leaders have what they need to continue shifting their culture and mind-set Professional Development on cultural responsiveness Continue building relationships with students That principals discuss implementation monthly with Directors of Instruction
Implementing these new initiatives is important: Following These Steps is Important for Our Students and for Our District as HCS Moves Closer to Unitary Status Implementing these new initiatives is important: Evidence shows that Restorative Practices and PBIS improve academic performance and reduce discipline problems when implemented with fidelity. These new initiatives should also help reduce the District’s racial disparity in discipline. We have already begun to see success with fewer expulsions, so the focus of Behavioral Learning moving forward is Restorative Practices and PBIS.
Anne Jobe, Principal of Lee High School Principals and Teachers Share Their Challenges and Successes Implementing the New Discipline Initiatives from the First 3 Semesters of the 2016-17 School Year Anne Jobe, Principal of Lee High School Taunya Smith, Principal of Jones Valley Elementary Derrick Jackson, Teacher at Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary Lindsey Bax, Teacher at Whitesburg P-8