Wind Energy in Iowa Lori McDaniel Lori McDaniel Energy & Waste Management (515) 281-8094 IOWA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES
Goals Permanently reduce energy consumption and bills through energy efficiency Increase our energy generation from indigenous resources
Iowa’s Energy Picture Growing energy consumption Fluctuating prices Reliance on imported resources
Advantages of Wind Energy No air emissions Less reliance on imported fossil fuels Diversified energy portfolio
Wind Resource Assessment Iowa Energy Center Wind Maps of Iowa Wind Turbine Output Calculator Approximately 6 years of wind data for Iowa Wind Energy Manual
Iowa Wind Map
Iowa’s Wind Energy Potential 10th windiest state in the nation 40% of land area offers wind generation capabilities Potential to produce 4.8 times its own annual electrical consumption
History 1993 – Spirit Lake School District 1993 – Waverly Light & Power 1996 – Iowa State Fairgrounds
Installations 7 School District Installations Spirit Lake (2) Akron-Westfield Sentral Forest City Nevada Clay Central Everly Clarion-Goldfield
Installations 3 major wind farms Storm Lake Wind Farm Clear Lake Wind Farm Top of Iowa Wind Farm
Storm Lake Wind Farm Buena Vista and Cherokee Counties GE Wind 257 750 kW turbines 193 MW Power purchased by Alliant Energy and MidAmerican Energy
Storm Lake Wind Farm 150 jobs during construction 20-30 jobs in ongoing operations & maintenance
Clear Lake Wind Farm Cerro Gordo County FPL Energy 55 750 kW turbines 42 MW Power purchased by Alliant Energy
Clear Lake Wind Farm 70 temporary construction jobs 5 full time employees $6 million spent locally during construction including meals, lodging, clothing, road rock, local contractors and landowner income
Top of Iowa Wind Farm Worth County Northern Iowa Windpower 89 900-kW turbines 80 MW Power purchased by Alliant Energy
Top of Iowa Wind Farm 35 landowners with 5,300 acres of wind farm facilities 15 landowners with 6.5 miles of collection line easements 16 neighboring landowners with noise/shadow easements Landowners receive $2,000 to $4,000 per turbine per year
Planned Installations Alliant Energy 100 MW Clipper Energy FPL Energy
Small Wind Systems 18 privately owned wind systems in Iowa 1 kW turbine $1,500 to $2,500 10 kW turbine $20,000 t0 $30,000 Make sure wind energy is the right choice for your home
335 MW of nameplate capacity... Provides enough energy annually to: Power 103,600 homes Avoid 1,100,500 tons of CO2 Keep $10.1 million from being exported from Iowa to pay for fossil fuels Displace 567,356 tons of coal for electricity production
Interconnection All of the steps that are taken when an energy system is connected to the utility grid All utilities are required to interconnect with renewable energy systems
Net Metering Credits utility customers for the electricity their system generates Only Investor-Owned Utilities are required to net meter Rural Electric Cooperatives and Municipal Utilities are not required to net meter but may do so on an individual basis
Wind Energy Financial Incentives Local Option Special Assessment of Wind Energy Wind Energy Equipment Sales Tax Exemption Wind Energy Replacement Generation Tax Exemption Federal Production Tax Credit
Iowa Energy Center Alternate Energy Revolving Loan Program Provides loan funds up to 50% of project cost $250,000 limit 0% interest Application and guidelines can be found at
Iowa Energy Bank Uses energy cost savings to repay financing for energy management improvements Targeted facilities Public and private schools, hospitals, private colleges, local governments
DNR Projects Single Wind Turbine Case Study & Checklist Interconnection Grant Top of Iowa Wind Farm Case Study Wind Hybrid Study Transmission Analysis of Delivering Energy to High Load Centers