Sponsored by Radcliff Youth Soccer Association Goals For the Homeless Sponsored by Radcliff Youth Soccer Association
Homelessness My son and I were watching WLKY when they did a special on the homeless in Louisville. They were showing the people who go out and help them, and how they impacted the lives of the people that were homeless. I thought to myself, as a Veteran, that I would do something about homeless veterans in Hardin County. I called Heart of Hope and Rev. Hope explained that they just do not do homeless veterans that any homeless person can use their facility. So, I then switch my plan to anyone that is homeless out there. I wanted to add in something that I love to do, which is soccer, and with something great for Hardin County, so, that is where I came up with the idea of Goals for the Homeless.
Our Goal for Goals for the Homeless We are trying to help out the homeless population in Hardin County We will have the tournament 2 times a year if possible Each homeless shelter will have their own tournament where 100% of items and money would go to that shelter. Raise money to possible start up a place where homeless people could work to earn money and possible a place to live. The goals are endless.
Why we need donations To pay for half of the trophies To pay for advertisements like radio adds, banners, and flyers To pay for other expenses that might not be donated To just help support our efforts
DONATION OPPORTUNITIES ALL proceeds go to the Heart of Hope Homeless shelter in Hardin County. Donors can make a donation in any amount OR they can pledge to donate per goal, example- $1 or $2 per goal scored for the entire tournament Donations in the form of food, water/ Gatorade and snacks for referees, players and volunteers is greatly appreciated Silent auctions with all items donated from local Hardin County businesses Accepting donations of clothing in New or Used, Clean condition and New toiletry items Certified referees to donate officiating time. Blocks on a 4x8 banner: 2x4=$65 / 4x4=$130 / 4x8=$260 This is a 501c event so everything can be a tax right-off
June 24th & 25th 2017 All teams will play at least 3 games, and two teams per age group will play 4 games that being for the champions Each team will pay $100 to play Referees will be provided and will not be paid with money but with drinks, snacks and food. All USSF / KYSA Rules will apply We are trying to have all team formed by June 3rd ( if possible ) There will be trophies for the winning coach and medallions for each player on the winning team and runner up of each age group
Thank you for your support Please call Gabriel Curry 270-401-5449 or email @ gabrielcurry@goalsforthehomeless.org www.goalsforthehomeless.org For a list of RYSA Board members and their contacts visit radcliffyouthsoccer.org