Region Collegiate Team TF FY13 BOD3 Update Allison Lunde, Chair March 23, 2013
Outline RCT Election Timeframe RCT Structure Current roles include: RCR (Region Collegiate Representative) RCCE (Region Collegiate Communications Editor) RCS (Region Collegiate Senator) Page 2
RCT Election Timeframe Current Structure 1st call – mid December 2nd call – mid January Application due February 1st RCR Coordinator/Coordinator Elect evaluate applicants and find candidates for positions without applicants Elections – entire March Conclusions Majority of applicants submit close or on the deadline Changing timeline will not increase # of applicants Current timeline works well Timing/process consistent across all regions Format is similar to Society Page 3
RCT Election Timeframe Recommendations Send out applications 2 weeks after Annual Conference Play off of conference energy Develop synergies between collegiate attendees and current RCT leadership w/ face-to-face time RCT should start finding successors at this time Work on HOW to get applicants Individual communication with sections Use Professional and RCT members to reach out Use counselors and faculty advisors to assist in mentoring Page 4
Structure Evaluation Methodology Using a typical ‘change management’ style approach STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 SKILLS NEEDED ABILITIES FOR SKILLS GROUP SKILLS BASED ON ABILITIES CURRENT STRUCTURE DIFFERENT STRUCTURE ASSIGN OTHERS Evaluate skills this group must accomplish Develop abilities needed to complete skills Develop if group or others should complete tasks Use a system based on knowledge, skills, abilities and workload effort to determine if group is adequate to complete skill with the specificed abilities Group skills/abilities into ‘like’ groups Evaluate structure to support ability groups Page 5
Step 1 - Current Needed Skills Communication w/ Sections w/ Region w/ RCR Coordinator/Coordinator Elect w/ Collegiate Director Write blog Email Teleconference Presentation On the phone to Section Presidents To region during meetings – Annual and Region Conf. Page 6
Step 1 - Current Needed Skills Data Management Compile section reports Keep status of section - good or not good standing Track outreach efforts Leaders for pipeline Financial EIN questions or issues Guide financially struggling sections Fundraising ideas Representation Region Council Senate Page 7
Step 1 - Current Needed Skills Society Structure (knowledge in…) BOD Region Bylaws Society/Region committees Overall resources Be a SWE Ambassador Build pipeline through mentoring (SWEFL & Sect. Pres.) Collegiate/professional interaction Time Management Conflict Resolution Page 8
Next Steps for Task Force Continue with our change management plan: STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 SKILLS NEEDED ABILITIES FOR SKILLS GROUP SKILLS BASED ON ABILITIES CURRENT STRUCTURE DIFFERENT STRUCTURE ASSIGN OTHERS X Evaluate skills this group must accomplish Develop abilities needed to complete skills Develop if group or others should complete tasks Use a system based on knowledge, skills, abilities and workload effort to determine if group is adequate to complete skill with the specificed abilities Group skills/abilities into ‘like’ groups Evaluate structure to support ability groups Page 9
Next Steps for Task Force Holding conference calls every two weeks Next deliverables: Provide update at Spring Senate teleconference No other BOD updates listed in charter Proposed update at April teleconference and/or BOD4 If necessary, provide motion to Senate at WE13 to alter RCT structure for FY15 elections Page 10