Bike share in a box. “There are two types of mayors in the world: those who have bike-sharing and those who want bike-sharing”. - Gilles Vesco, Vice President of Greater Lyon, France
The Problem: Congestion + Accessibility Congestion a huge problem in Atlanta and elsewhere 4.2 billion hours, 2.9 billion gallons of fuel wasted annually in U.S. cities 75% of trips under one mile are made by car Source: Urban Mobility Report (c) 2011 viaCycle, Inc.
The Problem: Congestion + Accessibility Many regions have little or no access to transit Virginia Highlands, Poncey Highlands underserved by MARTA Atlanta ranked 82nd out of 100 top metro areas for transit access TIA is a start. How to maximize its benefits? Source: Brookings Institute (c) 2011 viaCycle, Inc.
One Answer: Bikesharing Bicycle Sharing Potential: 23% of urban citizens have a commute of less than 15 minutes Better transit, first and last mile connectivity Bicycle Sharing Results: Proven to increase bicycle and transit modeshare Proven widespread health benefits – reduced greenhouse gases, decrease in cardiac-related deaths Source: British Medical Journal, US Census American Community Survey (c) 2011 viaCycle, Inc.
Bikesharing Evolved: viaCycle Intelligent, distributed bicycle sharing technology Generational leap over existing bike share programs Uses technology to increase automation and ease of use Leverage collaborative consumption Zipcar for bikes 8.5% have less than a 10 minute commute 18.9% have less than 15 minutes Transit use increases in cities with bike-sharing new bike transit trips improved connectivity to other modes of transit decreased private motorized vehicle trips Cities want to reduce impact, improve ‘green’ image (c) 2011 viaCycle, Inc. 5
Technology IT Infrastructure Equipment Bicycle with ViaCycle Bike-mounted lock Wireless data and GPS In-hub dynamo charges during riding IT Infrastructure User Interface Locate bicycles Track usage Manage account Admin Interface Control user accounts Control payment Show prototype (bike and box) We provide a “bike-share in a box”: Everything an organization needs to set up seamless transit connectivity. (c) 2011 viaCycle, Inc.
Benefits of Distributed Systems Flexible software No installation Cloud based infrastructure More flexible, lower costs Current average price: $3875 per bike, $125 per month. Other advantages: Scalability Faster design iteration Extensive data Customizable Security Secondary economic benefits Explain customer/end-user cost modeling here as well. What does the customer need to break even? Existing programs require 1000’s of bikes to be financially viable. Distributed systems don’t. * Typical customer charges and fees based on initial financial models and sales projections (c) 2011 viaCycle, Inc.
Bicycle Sharing Market Expanding interest: 70 major new programs in 2009 26 North American RFPs $2 million invested in 2009, 62 million committed investment for 2010 B-Cycle Cooperative between Humana, Trek Bicycle, and Crispin Porter + Bogusky Planned locations in Oahu, HI and Denver, CO Sustained financing and maintenance arrangements are unclear, high capital costs Capital Cost: $4,000 per bicycle Annual Operating Cost: $1,600 per bicycle Bixi Operates bike share in Montreal, Canada Planned locations in Minneapolis and Boston High capital costs, infrastructure requires maintenance and storage Capital Cost: $3,200 per bicycle Annual Operating Cost: $1,200 per bicycle ClearChannel Outdoor Operates SmartBike DC High capital/maintenance costs. Parent company concerned with advertising first, bike-share second Capital Cost: $3,600 per bicycle Deutsch Bahn No current North American Operations Closest functional competitor Limited feature set, users must place phone calls + specify drop off locations OyBike Operates first university 3rd generation system Operation at St. Xavier University, Chicago, IL Complicated rental process, low robustness, limited data availability Capital Cost: $1,000 per bicycle Annual Operating Cost: $1,000 per bicycle Qi Systems Small-scale operations in Tulsa, OK and Louisville, KY Lack of features compared to alternatives, low security, low robustness, not integrated with area Capital Cost: $500-750 (bikes not included) Annual Operating Cost: $500-1000 (c) 2011 viaCycle, Inc.
viaCycle@GT Program 6 month pilot program 4 locations, 35 bikes Web portal with bike locations, usage stats Easy access to popular campus centers Over 550 interested students so far, much more PR and awareness to come (c) 2011 viaCycle, Inc.
viaCycle@GT Program (c) 2011 viaCycle, Inc.
viaCycle@GT Program (c) 2011 viaCycle, Inc.
Talk to Us! Technology has huge potential for flexible, scalable transit – constantly improving What do you want to see in a local program? (c) 2011 viaCycle, Inc.
Annual Program Impacts Individual viaCycle User Environmental Impact Annual Program Impacts Individual viaCycle User University System Reduced CO2 emissions 658 kg 192,243 kg Calories Burned 30,019 11,404,095 Transportation Cost Savings $8,487 $485,756 Potential to monetize CO2 savings through carbon credits Supplement infrastructure demand – parking, shuttles, etc. (c) 2011 viaCycle, Inc.
Security GPS-activated bicycle knows where it is at all times Bikes can alert operators if improperly moved or stolen Dual-stage lock: wrapped steel security chain + wheel immobilizer Heavy-duty, welded aluminum frame with tamper-proof hardware (c) 2011 viaCycle, Inc.