Crime can cause significant costs for society. Explain how crime can cause significant costs for society
Crime is a significant problem in Scotland Crime is a significant problem in Scotland. Despite the fact that crime is decreasing, the number of violent crimes in Scotland has increased. Some types of crime have more of an impact on society than others. Introduction
The economic costs are calculated from the harm done to the person, the cost of investigating the crime, the cost of taking the crime through the court process and the cost of punishing the criminal. It is estimated that crime in Scotland costs the taxpayer £5 billion per year. Violent crimes tend to have a higher financial cost than crimes against property. For example, there were only 80 murders in Scotland in 2010, yet the financial cost of murder to the Scottish economy was £570 million. Whereas vandalism, which accounts for a quarter of all crimes in Scotland (about 200,000), costs £476 million Economic Costs
Some types of crime have a higher cost than others Some types of crime have a higher cost than others. But economic costs can also link to social costs. For example, domestic violence has a massive economic and long term social cost, which can affect a society for many years afterwards. There is the cost of pursuing the case through the courts, and perhaps providing safe accommodation for the family, but this does not simply end after the court case. The family can be affected for many years, children growing up in a chaotic environment may have serious issues they have to deal with, and may be unable to engage properly with education and achieve their full potential later in life. In 2013-14 there were 58,439 incidents of domestic abuse recorded by the police in Scotland. In 2014-15 there were 59,882 incidents of domestic abuse recorded by the police in Scotland, an increase of 2.5% from 2013-14. Social costs
Long term costs to the community There can be a long term cost to a community, if it becomes known as a high crime area, people may move away from the area, and the cost of properties may fall. This can lead to businesses and shops closing down, reducing the job opportunities in the area, which can then lead to higher levels of poverty, and mental health issues for people living in the area. Long term costs to the community
The broken windows theory suggests that if small crimes are ignored by the authorities and the community, then this will lead to people in the area believing that nobody cares, and so more and more serious crimes may start to happen. Broken Windows theory
Someone who has been the victim of crime may suffer long term emotional damage as a result. They may be frightened about being alone at home, or they may not want to leave their home. They may suffer from stress and this can have an effect on their physical health too. Emotional costs
So, different types of crime have varying levels of economic, social and emotional costs for the community. Conclusion