WRITING LESSON PLANS Adaptation of the 6 point lesson plan.


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Presentation transcript:

WRITING LESSON PLANS Adaptation of the 6 point lesson plan

BEGINNING OF A PLAN Student Subject/skill/topic Goal Materials Objective: Outcome of the lesson; NOT the activity used to reach the outcome! What do you want students to do following the lesson and as a result of it? MUST be a BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVE (relevant conditions, specific & observable behavior, criterion for mastery set at a functional level) THE STUDENT WILL… SCOS Objective reference http://www.ncpublicschools.org/curriculum/

CONTENT & STRATEGIES Focus/Review Teacher Input Use focus (?s) to activate background knowledge and anticipate lesson content Use review to make sure students are firm on preskills needed to be successful with the lesson Teacher Input EXPLICIT RULE OR STRATEGY using to introduce skill List specific questions and examples you will use!

MORE OF CONTENT & STRATEGIES Guided Practice: What will students say or do to show you they understand? Consideration: How can all students participate (choral responding, etc.) May be combined with Teacher Input Independent Practice: After students show you they can do this skill, what will you give them as follow-up practice?

CONTENT & STRATEGIES Closure: How will you end your lesson so students walk away with key points from our lesson? Having them summarize or answer review questions ensures retention better than you summarizing

EVALUATION This MUST directly test the lesson objective in a way that matches how students will use the skill If students need to be able to read a type of word, ask them to do this orally rather than circling words that have that element May be able to combine independent practice and evaluation

In Addition Plans for individual differences Reflection Modifications based on the needs of the students in the group Reflection Strengths and weaknesses of the lesson, student performance, plans for follow-up activities