Port of Stockton Escort Training
Port of Stockton Escort Training THE PORT OF STOCKTON DOES NOT ESCORT. TWIC escorting privileges are granted at the sole discretion of the Port of Stockton Facility Security officer (FSO), for a period determined by the FSO, and FSO reserves the right to deny granting escorting privileges or to suspend, revoke or deny renewal of escorting privileges previously granted, as follows: Failure to adhere to the policies, rules and regulations of the Port of Stockton or other applicable federal, state or local laws and regulations, including: Any attempt to gain entrance to POS facilities, or restricted areas within its facilities, through fraud or deception; Any attempt to bypass established entry points; Failure to perform escorting duties in the manner prescribed in POS policies. Conviction of an approved TWIC escort of any offense for which he or she would have initially been denied approval in accordance with the policies of POS. Failure to present a TWIC card upon request or loss of TWIC privileges. REMEMBER, NO WARNINGS ARE GIVEN, AND NO EXCEPTIONS OR SECOND CHANCES ARE ALLOWED. FAILURE TO PREFORM TWIC ESCORT DUTIES IN ACCORDANCE WITH USCG REGULATIONS AND POS POLICES WILL RESULT IN IMMEDIATE AND PERMANENT TERMINATION OF ESCORT PRIVILEGES.
Port of Stockton Escort Training The FSO for the Port of Stockton is George F. Lerner Jr., Director of Homeland Security The following are authorized representatives of the FSO: Lt. Steve Nichols, Assistant Facility Security Officer Michael Tyler, Port of Stockton Operations Manager Chris Mountjoy, Superintendent Other sworn police sergeants/officers as required All telephone numbers for the FSO and duly authorized representatives are maintained at the Port of Stockton Police command centers. The FSO or his representatives may be contacted 24/7 by calling the Port of Stockton at (209) 946-0246.
Port of Stockton Escort Training Persons who are granted escort privileges must possess a valid TWIC and a valid Port Access Card and must be sponsored by their employers. TWIC escorts must be direct full-time employees of the sponsored employer.
Port of Stockton Escort Training The sponsoring employer must submit the application for escort privileges. The sponsoring employer must agree to accept any fine or liability imposed by the Coast Guard for failure of its employees to fulfill escort responsibilities.
Port of Stockton Escort Training No person may act as an escort until they have met the training requirements listed in 33 CFR 105.215 and have been approved by Port of Stockton. Escorts must report suspicious activity and security breaches in accordance with 33 CFR 101.305 to Port Police. Escorts must have a working cell phone and knowledge of Port of Stockton escorting procedures. Escorts must know what is required if an individual they are escorting engages in activities other than those for which escorted access was granted.
33 CFR 105.215 Security training for facility personnel. All other facility personnel, including contractors, whether part-time, full-time, temporary, or permanent, must have knowledge of, through training or equivalent job experience, in the following, as appropriate: (a) The meaning and the consequential requirements of the different MARSEC Levels as they apply to them; including emergency procedures and contingency plans; (b) Recognition and detection of dangerous substances and devices; (c) Recognition of characteristics and behavioral patterns of persons who are likely to threaten security; and (d) Techniques used to circumvent security measures.
33 CFR 101.305 In accordance with 33 CFR 101.305, suspicious activity and security breaches must be reported to the Port Police Department in accordance with guidance in the Port Facility Security Plan. Any incidents of suspicious activity or security breaches observed by security escorts must be reported immediately to the Port Police Department and the Facility Security Officer or his designee by the most expeditious means possible.
Port of Stockton Escort Training Enclosure (3) to USCG Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circular (NVIC) 03-07 addresses escorting in restricted areas as follows: “Escorting must be accomplished by side-by- side accompaniment with a TWIC holder. Side-by-side accompaniment requires continuous physical proximity to and visual contact with the escorted individual in order to enable the TWIC holder to witness the escorted individual’s actions.”
Port of Stockton Escort Training Escorting in “Restricted TWIC Areas”: This shall be accomplished through a physical side-by-side accompaniment. Escort ratio shall be 1 TWIC cardholder to no more than 5 non-cardholders. Escort ratio for Trucks shall be 1 TWIC cardholder to 1 non-cardholder. TWIC cardholder escort shall escort in the non-cardholder(s), remain with them for their entire stay. The TWIC escort will not be relieved of responsibility for escorted persons until they have left the restricted area.
Port of Stockton Escort Training Escorting in Secure Areas that are not also “TWIC Restricted Areas”: Shall be 1 TWIC cardholder to no more than 10 non-TWIC cardholders. Escorting can be accomplished by utilizing monitoring or side-by-side accompaniment. Must enable sufficient observation of the individual with a means to respond if they are observed to be engaging in unauthorized activities or in an unauthorized area. CCTV can be used to meet this requirement as long as systems are monitored and would allow the operator to see in sufficient detail the criteria above.
Escort Training The POS Quiz and Application for TWIC Escort Sponsorship can be found on the POS website: www.portofstockton.com under the Security Tab. You can also start the quiz by clicking the following link: Escort Training Quiz