SPPS Training December 2009
Prior to transition Please print current prep sheets for first week after transition as normal We will be able to create a prep sheet for you after we have one week of sales
Access the Prep Sheet by hitting the start button, navigate to AAG Applications and select AAG Prep Sheet
Log In Enter your store’s password Or the GM AAG On line Password
Many Tabs To Choose Go to the weekly sales tab
Toggle to different weeks Please select the week ending date of the week you want to set up
Enter Sales forecast Enter your sales forecast
Enter forecast for all 3 weeks Enter forecasted sales for all three weeks
Please choose the weeks you want to import into the prep sheet application The prep sheet will import the sales and the p-mix that created this week Choose wisely If you were closed one of the days do not choose that week If you are serving a different menu (new Campaign), do not choose that week If the week in question was a holiday, and the sales mix was different, (not just busier or slower, but a substantial in sales mix, do not choose the week) Here are the weeks you should choose your first three weeks For Week ending 12/20, choose week ending 12/13 For week ending 12/27, Choose only weekending 12/13 and 12/20 For week ending 1/3, Choose only weekending 12/13 and 12/20. do not choose weekending 12/27 since you were closed 12/25 Your prep sheet is based on the historical sales and P-Mix from the weeks you select. If you remove the check mark, your prep sheet will not include sales or P-Mix from that week.
Which Week To Select Pick weeks that serve the same campaign First week of the promotion, you have to choose the campaign that just ended. Second week, select only the first week of the campaign Consider excluding a holiday week Did the menu mix seem that same? Was this your normal customer? Were you open for all meal periods?
Your first prep sheet adjustments (prior to 12/1) Enter sales forecast for weekending 12/20 12/27 –remember you are closed Christmas (enter 0 sales) 1/3 Enter a p-mix for all items that are new to your menu for weekending 12/27
Remove the p-mix for any item that you are not selling any longer with the start of the new menu (i.e. NY Strip) from weekending 12/20 12/27
Report Options Three Prep sheets Two frozen product pull sheets Catg allows you to print the categories on separate sheets
P-Mix is based on the average menu mix from the POS and is filtered by the weeks selected on the weekly sales page
When you edit or change the P-Mix, you only affect The week selected in The above drop down box
Manual Items
Manual Items You select which manual items appear on your sheet You set the par, as they do not calculate
Item Setup This section allows you to choose which items appear on your sheet and in which order
Change a Category To change an item from one category to another, double click on the box beside the item you would like to change under the Next Category heading.
Pick a new category Choose the new category
Visible? This allows you to choose if the prep item should be visable on your sheet or not
Chicken or the Egg?
Next Day Factors This tells the program how much of the future to bring back to the current par You should never adjust these factors
Category Order Change the order of the categories by Changing the number beside the category Then hit save