Motivating Middle Ability
Common Strategies Varied teaching style Praise and rewards Competitions Giving ownership and choice Knowing the students and engaging them in conversation Improving students’ self esteem Group work and discussion
Triangle Groups (Ken Wilson) Student on target/HA Student below target/MA Student below target/LA
Tom’s Tip As students are working put their initials on the board so that they know they’ll need to read out their work or provide a verbal contribution when asked. Students work harder knowing they’d be expected to share and others focussed more knowing it could be them next!
Natalie’s Tip Middle ability students plan and deliver a lesson on a topic that they are struggling with. Working as a group, students had to write out a full lesson plan, create the PPT and teach the rest of the class. Teaching the topic themselves meant that students developed a better understanding.
Modelling Answers
Student Model Answers
Timings Keep explanations short and simple Provide odd time limits for tasks – students take time limits more seriously if you seem to be sticking to a precise schedule Time teacher-talk. Do middle ability students find it harder to stay focussed for longer periods of time?
Seating Plans (Kagan)
Seating Plans If you can’t vary your tables then strategically place your middle ability students RAG seating plans To evaluate your seating plan: track your questioning and where you focus your attention