LTP 2-1: Moral Courage: Loyalty Current As Of: 6/5/2013
Purpose Objective 1: To describe key characteristics of “family.” Objective 2: To establish a vision of family as what ought to be within this Company
Ethics centers on what ought to be Ethics centers on what ought to be. Write a word or phrase that best describes what family ought to be… Note to TAC – create poll ( prior to distribution for each company so that real data is available for the session.
Consider this scenario – (TAC insert point to ponder and appropriate Company related scenario here…) What are possible responses? What is the right thing to do? Why might someone not choose to do the right thing?
within this Company? At The Citadel? Company loyalty is like family loyalty and requires team effort. Loyalty to Corps Loyalty to Company Loyalty to Classmates The Citadel is a family. Do you have moral courage to establish your vision of family as what ought to be within this Company? At The Citadel?
(under “On leadership, 2 Apr 2013) Take-Aways Remember: By holding your classmates accountable you are showing you care about the long term impact of everyone’s actions. How do we get better at this? See “Practical Advice” from Mr. Russ Keller available: (under “On leadership, 2 Apr 2013)
Once you know what you want for this Company, act on it Once you know what you want for this Company, act on it. Consider this from the Blue Angles: Click the image below.
Questions & Comments Moral Courage: “The quality of mind and spirit that enables one to face up to ethical challenges firmly and confidently, without flinching or retreating.” Rushworth Kidder