Aortic and Mitral Valve Repair WOLVERHAMPTON HEART VALVE REPAIR SYMPOSIUM Aortic and Mitral Valve Repair A meeting for surgeons, cardiologists and anaesthetists Friday 3rd June 2016 Guest speakers: Mr. F.Wells (Papworth, UK) Dr. E.Lansac (Institut Mutualiste Montsouris, Paris) Mr. S.Livesey (Southampton, UK) Professor J.Takkenberg (Erasmus University, Netherlands) Course directors: (Heart & Lung Centre, Wolverhampton, UK) Venue: Grand Station, Sun Street, Wolverhampton, WV10 0BP Mr. S.Billing Mr. M.Matuszewski Mr. N.Nikolaidis Mr. P.Yiu For further information contact: Lorraine Richardson (L.R. Associates) – 01296 733 823 / 077111 32946 /