Fuels Institute Fuel Cell Vehicles & Hydrogen Stations Market Update May 25, 2017 This presentation is incomplete without the accompanying oral discussion.
FCV Availability In United States Available now in Southern California $499 per month, unlimited free hydrogen and concierge service. Toyota Mirai available now to California customers and in the Northeast as stations open in 2017. MRSP $57,500. Lease $349 per month, 12,000 miles per year, includes $15,000 of fuel over 36 months and service. Toyota Motor Corporation - Mirai Honda Clarity available now in California and in the Northeast as stations open in 2017. Lease $369/month, 20,000 miles per year, includes $15,000 of fuel over 36 months and service. Honda Motor Company - Clarity Hyundai Motor America – Tucson Fuel Cell
California Hydrogen Infrastructure Today Northern California Southern California California has awarded 64 of the first 100 hydrogen stations. Nearly 30 of the 64 are in operation now with more coming on line as completed. Driving Range: Toyota Mirai: 312 miles Hyundai Tucson: 282 miles Honda FCEV estimated 435 miles DRAFT
Northeast Hydrogen Infrastructure Source: National Renewable Energy Lab Source: National Renewable Energy Lab
Fuel Cell Integrated Distribution Center Replace diesel reefer refrigeration power unit with one powered by a fuel cell. Value Proposition Shares fork lift hydrogen to lower overall operating costs Lighter power system Zero emission Near zero noise extends delivery hours in noise restricted areas Replace lead acid batteries with a fuel cell power pack. Refuel power pack in minutes instead of removing it in a battery room. Value Proposition Improve Productivity by up to 15% Save Commercial Space by Eliminating Battery Room Reduce Carbon Footprint by up to 80% Improves fork lift availability during peak shipping periods
Opportunities and Considerations Hydrogen fuel costs less volatile resulting in better margin forecasting. Has ability to offset lower gasoline sales as BEV sales grow. Free state signage on major highways. Increases store traffic as passers by stop to see FCEV as they refuel. Leadership role builds a green image. Financial Considerations The value of up to a few thousand square feet per station site. Partnership with a hydrogen supplier can help avoid CAPEX charges. Cost of physical site modifications sharable with hydrogen supplier. Financial return options include the lease and/or a surcharge on the kilograms of hydrogen sold.
Thank You For additional information: hydrogenandfuelcells.energy.gov Charlie Myers President Massachusetts Hydrogen Coalition Chair – Massachusetts FCEV Working Group (508) 380-1759 cmyers@massh2.org For additional information: hydrogenandfuelcells.energy.gov H2tools.org
H2USA: Public-Private Partnership
H2USA: Financial Modeling Resources The H2FAST financial modeling tool developed by NREL for H2USA can be used for single station or cluster station analysis. Station Inputs Utilization (%) or Vehicles Refills (per day) Hydrogen per Refill (kg) Hydrogen Price ($/kg) Total Capacity (kg/day) Total Capital Cost ($) Total Installation Cost ($) O&M Cost ($/yr) Financing Inputs Debt Interest Rate (%) Min Debt/Equity Ratio Scenario Inputs Capital Incentive ($/stn) Initial Production Incentive ($/stn) Annual Decrement of Production Incentive ($/stn) Incidental Revenue ($/yr) Cost of Delivered Hydrogen ($/kg) Cost of Electricity ($/kWh) Inputs values can be changed with cell entries or sliders with the graphic results automatically updated on the right.