Software Testing Lab 1
Lab Agenda Bug’s life-cycle Examples of real bug reports Practice: ATM system
Bug’s life-cycle Bug => Software problem Life-cycle => refers to the various stages a software bug passes by.
Bug’s life-cycle: Scenario 1
Bug’s life-cycle Open state: when a bug’s is first found by a software tester, it is logged and assigned to a programmer to be fixed.
Bug’s life-cycle Resolved state: once the programmer fixes the code and assigns it back to the tester it becomes resolved.
Bug’s life-cycle Closed state: if a fixed bug passes a regression test performed by the tester, it becomes in the closed state (final state).
Bug’s life cycle: Scenario 2
Generic bug’s life-cycle
Generic bug’s life-cycle Review state: when the project manager / committee or sometimes called “Change control board” decide whether the bug should be fixed or not. Deferred state: when the review may determine that the bug should be considered for fixing at sometime in the future, but not for this release of the software.
Examples of real bug reports
Examples of real bug reports (cont.)
Practice: ATM System