CENSUS TOPICS AND CHARACTERISTICS The population base Geographic characteristics Demographic characteristics Economic characteristics Educational characteristics Disability Migration Ethno-cultural characteristics Agriculture
Population bases in the EECCA region Compliance with the CESR definition of ‘usual residence’ EECCA Rest of UNECE Fully compliant 9 24 (59%) Compliant with EU law 0 14 (34%) Other definition 0 3 (7%)
Population bases in the EECCA region EECCA Rest of UNECE Homeless and roofless persons 9 38 (93%) Military, naval and diplomatic personnel (and their families) living outside the country 9 28 (68%) Civilian residents who cross a national frontier daily to work 8 35 (85%) Students in tertiary education who study abroad but return home at weekends* 8 32 (78%) Persons living in remote areas 7 27 (66%) Holders of temporary residence permits (and their families) staying for more than 12 months 5 35 (85%) Merchant seaman and fishermen at sea at the time of the census 4 29 (71%) Persons granted refugee status or similar types of protection 4 28 (68%) Nomads and other travelling people 4 20 (49%) Asylum seekers 3 26 (63%) Short-term international migrants* 1 17 (41%) *Recommended to be excluded from the usually resident population Selected groups included in the usually resident population
Geographic characteristics in the EECCA region Locality and Urban Areas EECCA Rest of UNECE Locality Data collected 6 33 (82%) Data collected based on CES definition (a),(b) or (c) 3 26 (65%) Data collected based on another definition 2 6 (15%) Definition not specified 1 1 (2%) Urban areas Data collected 9 36 (90%) recommendation 6 29 (72%) Classification by locality 1 20 (50%) Classification by smallest administrative unit 5 9 (22%) Other classification 3 4 (10%)
Geographic characteristics in the EECCA region Workplace EECCA Rest of UNECE Definition Data collected 7 39 (95%) Definition of workplace applied* Definition (a) 3 21 (51%) Definition (b) 4 22 (54%) Definition (c) 2 16 (39%) Other definition 1 3 (7%) * Countries were able to report the use of more than one definition. Lowest level of geography Precise address or coordinate 1 14 (33%) Census block 1 1 (2%) 1 km2 square 0 1 (2%) Local Administrative Unit level 2 (commune) 1 14 (33%) Higher level administrative unit 2 3 (7%) Other geographic level 1 7 (16%)
Demographic characteristics in the EECCA region Marital status EECCA Rest of UNECE Legal (core topic) Data collected 7 40 (98%) De facto (non-core topic) Data collected 8 37 (90%) By means of * Specific question 5 9 (22%) General question on marital status 6 5 (12%) Relationship to reference person 3 17 (41%) Classification compliant with recommendations 8 26 (63% * Countries were able to report the use of more than one definition.
Economic characteristics in the EECCA region Activity status EECCA Rest of UNECE Data collected Current activity status 9 37 (90%) Reference period of 1 day 0 6 (15%) Reference period of 1 week 8 28 (68%) Other reference period 1 3 (7%) Usual activity status 1 4 (10%) Reference period of 1 year 1 3 (7%) Other reference period 0 1 (2%) Other concept of activity status 1 2 (5%) Compliance with recommended classification Compliant 8 26 (63%)
Economic characteristics in the EECCA region Employment status (core topic) EECCA Rest of UNECE Topic included 9 39 (100%) Definition compliant with Recommendations 6 26 (67%) Classification compliant with Recommendations 4 24 (62%) Recommended classification (1.0) Employees (2.0) Employers (3.0) Own-account workers (4.0) Contributing family workers (5.0) Members of producers' co-operatives (6.0) Persons not classifiable by status
Economic characteristics in the EECCA region Occupation and Industry (core topics) EECCA Rest of UNECE Occupation Topic included in the census 7 41 (100%) Definition compliant with Recommendations 7 39 (95%) Classification compliant with ISCO-08 0 24 (59%) ISCO-88 6 7 (17%) Some other classification 0 10 (24%) Industry Topic included in the census 6 41 (100%) Recommendations 6 34 (83%) ISIC Rev 4 0 17 (41%) ISIC Rev 3.1 3 1 (2%) Other 1 22 (54%)
Economic characteristics in the EECCA region Other (non-core) topics included in the census EECCA Rest of UNECE Main source of livelihood 8 13 Providers of unpaid services 2 1 Socio-economic group 1 12 Time usually worked 0 14 Type of place of work 0 13 Duration of unemployment 0 9 Number of employees at workplace 0 7 Income 0 6
Educational characteristics in the EECCA region EECCA Rest of UNECE Core topic Educational attainment 8 40 (98%) Non-core topics School attendance 6 27 (66%) Literacy 6 17 (41%) Educational qualifications 3 13 (31%) Field of study 2 17 (41%) Computer literacy 2 7 (17%)
Disability status in the EECCA region EECCA Rest of UNECE Topic included in the census 4 21 (51%) of which: WG short set used Yes with no changes 1 10 (47%) Yes with some changes 0 1 (5%) No 3 10 (47%) Coverage within household All persons 4 16 (76%) Minimum age threshold 0 4 (19%)
Migration characteristics in the EECCA region Country of birth (core topic) EECCA Rest of UNECE Information collected 8 41 (100%) Country of actual birth only 5 19 (46%) Country of residence of mother only 3 15 (37%) Both 0 7 (17%) National boundaries As at census 4 34 (83%) As at birth 2 7 (17%) Other definition 2 0 - Information coded As recommended by UNSD 5 27 (66%) Other classification 3 14 (34%)
Migration characteristics in the EECCA region Country of citizenship (core topic) EECCA Rest of UNECE Information collected 9 40 (100%) Concept of citizenship as defined by CESR 8 38 (95%) Other concept adopted 1 2 (5%) Multiple citizenship collected For all respondents 3 18 (45%) For national citizens only 2 7 (18%) For foreign citizens only 0 1 (2%) Not collected 4 14 (35%) National boundaries As at census 4 34 (83%) As at birth 2 7 (17%) Other definition 2 0 - Information coded Same classification as for country of birth 8 35 (66%) Other classification 1 5 (34%)
Migration characteristics in the EECCA region Ever resided abroad and year of arrival EECCA Rest of UNECE Ever resided abroad (core topic) Information collected 4 35 (85%) of which: Year of arrival 4 34 (97%) Most recent arrival 4 32 (91%) Year and month 3 11 (31%) Year only 1 21 (60%) Year of first arrival 0 3 (9%) Total duration of residence (non-core topic) Information collected 1 9 (22%) Country of previous residence (non-core topic) Information collected 6 26 (54%)
Migration characteristics in the EECCA region Reason for (international) migration EECCA Rest of UNECE Information collected 5 13 (32%) of which: Employment 4 13 (100%) Education 4 13 (100%) To join family members 3 10 (77%) Refugee (forced migration) 3 6 (46%) Return after emigration 2 2 (15%) Asylum 1 3 (23%) Health/medical 1 2 (15%)
Migration characteristics in the EECCA region Internal migration EECCA Rest of UNECE Extensive mode Information collected on place of usual residence 8 30 (73%) Arrival date (year only) 4 13 (32%) Arrival date (year and month) 3 12 (29%) No arrival date of collected 1 6 (15%) Information not collected 1 11 (27%) Reduced mode usual residence: 8 32 (78%) 1 year before census 4 29 (71%) 5 years before census 1 9 (22%) 10 years before census 1 4 (10%) Some other period prior to census 2 4 (10%) Information not collected 1 9 (22%
Ethno-cultural characteristics in the EECCA region Ethnicity EECCA Rest of UNECE Information collected 8 23 (56%) of which: Concept agreed with CESR 7 17 (74%) Different concept 1 6 (26%) Information on ethnicity only 0 12 (52%) Information on nationality only 3 3 (13%) Combination of both 5 8 (35%) Open-ended question with no pre-defined responses 4 7 (30%) Both pre-defined and write-in responses 3 14 (61%) Pre-defined responses only 1 1 (4%) Other format 0 1 (4%) Voluntary 7 18 (78%) Mandatory 1 5 (22%)
Ethno-cultural characteristics in the EECCA region Religion EECCA Rest of UNECE Information collected 4 24 (59%) of which: Identification with a particular religion, religious community or denomination 2 15 (63%) Religious belief 1 9 (38%) Formal membership of a church or religious community 0 4 (17%) Religion in which the person was brought up 1 3 (12%) Religious attendance 0 1 (4%) Other type of affiliation 0 3 (12%) Open-ended with no pre-defined responses 0 6 (25%) Both pre-defined and write-in responses 3 14 (58%) Pre-defined responses only 1 2 (8%) Other format 0 2 (8%) Voluntary 4 20 (83%) Mandatory 0 4 (17%)
Ethno-cultural characteristics in the EECCA region Language EECCA Rest of UNECE Information collected 9 26 (63%) of which: Mother tongue 9 14 (54%) Main language 3 8 (31%) Language(s) most often spoken: at home 6 14 (54%) at work 0 3 (18%) Knowledge of/ability in one or more other languages 6 8 (31%) Knowledge of/ability in official language 3 3 (18%) Use of sign language 1 3 (18%)
Agricultural characteristics in the EECCA region Information collected EECCA Rest of UNECE At the household level 3 7 (17%) At the individual person level 0 4 (10%) No information collected 6 30 (73%)