What Is an API, and Why Does It Matter?
API stands for application programming interface. As it’s a rather complicated concept, let’s break it down by looking at each of its parts Application If you have a smartphone, you are well acquainted with what applications are, i.e., the tools, games, social networks and other software that we use everyday. Programming Programming is how engineers create all the software that make our lives so much easier.
Interface An interface is a common boundary shared by two applications or programs that allow both to communicate with one another. So an API is essentially a way for programmers to communicate with a certain application.
API Analogy Every time you want to access a set of data from an application, you have to call the API. But there is only a certain amount of data the application will let you access, so you have to communicate to the operator in a very specific language—a language unique to each application. To help visualize this concept, imagine an API as the middleman between a programmer and an application. This middleman accepts requests and, if that request is allowed, returns the data. The middleman also informs programmers about everything they can request, exactly how to ask for it and how to receive it.
What Is an API Call? Whenever a developer or tool requests information from an API, they need to call (or, more technically speaking, create a request to) that API. Many open APIs have strict limits on how many times people can make a call in order to limit traffic and not overwhelm the API with requests.
Why Are APIs Important for Business? Do you use an application that tells you what the current traffic looks like? Or how about an app that shows when the next bus will be at your stop? Most tools like these rely on open APIs to run and pull the most accurate data. Those are both good examples of how open APIs might help you in your everyday life, but here’s how they can help you in business.
1. Businesses Create Apps With APIs There are many businesses out there that build software and tools that rely on pulling data from open APIs to help streamline a business process in some new way. In fact, without APIs, Sprout, as we know it, would cease to exist. 2. Business People Use Those Apps APIs are important for business because they allow programmers to build amazing tools that help us do our jobs more effectively. A good example is this keyword tool that accesses Google’s search API to suggest keywords your business should target. 3. Businesses Rely on Open APIs APIs are also important for the businesses that provide them, because third-party developers build out applications that further the use of the company’s core product. This saves the API provider both time and money. For example, before Reddit came out with its own mobile app, it relied on other tools created by companies looking to monetize that work. Introduction to API Management on Microsoft Azure
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