World Bank conference on Land and Poverty Challenges and Opportunities for the Voluntary Guidelines for Responsible Governance on Land, Fisheries and Forests (VGGT) implementation in Latin America and the Caribbean Bres Aurelie Land Tenure and Natural Resources officer Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean World Bank conference on Land and Poverty 20-24 March 2017 Washington, DC
Overview Overlook on land tenure trends in Latin Americas and the Caribbean Range of uses of the VGGT Implementation of the VGGT: contrasted country level cases Outlook on the implementation of the VGGT in the region
Overlook on land tenure regional trends Strong asymmetrical distribution of land high Gini coefficient at regional level: 0,79 (from 0,75 CA to 0,85 SA) Land concentration reshaped over the last century Challenging access to land for Women (GLRD: from 8% Guatemala to 31 % Peru) Indigenous People Small farmers (highest rates of disappearance of smallholdings) High level of informality of tenure rights
Improved Tenure Governance States - Government Agencies - Civil Society - Private Sector - Academia VGGT Implementation Range of use of the VGGT Improved Tenure Governance Provide access to justice Safeguard and protect against threats Prevent disputes, conflicts and corruption Recognize and Respect tenure right Monitoring & evaluation Promote and facilitate enjoyment of rights capacity developement Design / revise policies and laws Assess legal / policy / institutional framework Assess reality on the ground Provide inclusive space for dialogue
Provide inclusive space for dialogue Range of use of the VGGT Provide inclusive space for dialogue Capacity Development 26.2 “state are encouraged to set up (or use existing) multistakeholders platforms at local, national and regional… to collaborate on the implementation of the VGGT” Type of impacts: Unlocking negotiations and generation of momentum Supporting emergence or strenghtening political leadership Comprehensive curriculum of: technical guides E learning module tailor made training programme
Provide inclusive space for dialogue Range of use of the VGGT Provide inclusive space for dialogue Capacity Development Monitoring & evaluation Assess reality on the ground Assess legal / policy / institutional framework Design policies and laws Experiences at: country level by some actors multicountries level (FAO - EU transversal programme) CFS level Against principles of reponsible governance or specific guidelines Guatemala, Madagascar, Senegal, Sierra Leone Legal: legal assessment in Sierra Leone / Legal Assessment Tool for gender- equitable land tenure Policy: multistakeholder assessment
VGGT implementation in Guatemala From 2013 to 2014: Under the lead of the Secretary for agrarian issue (Secrataria de Asuntos Agrarios) and presidential commission for rural development process of formulation and adoption of an agrarian policy (October 2014) Series of capacity development and dialogues events on the VGGT gathering 140 participants from 53 different organizations Four component policy: (i) access to land; ii) tenure related conflicts resolution; iii) security and legal certainty of tenure; and iv) access to other resources
Guatemala: from a policy to its implementation From 2015 to 2016: Civil society training program on the VGGT and on gender – equity for land management. Over two years, 400 persons trained through experiential learning approach. Enhancing the responsible governance for communal lands through communication for development with the group for the promotion of communal lands, creation of a series of communication material and the definition of the needs to reach responsible local governance Open tenure for local registration of tenure rights: a group of representatives from national Cadaster and civil society where trained on open tenure – mobile app to register rights- and implemented in territory managed under communal tenure Existing good practices on governance of tenure: process of recollection and analysis of existing GP. 2017: enhancing the recognition of communal land Support for agrarian policy implementation
VGGT implementation in Colombia 2013: Raising awareness regional workshop held in Bogota From 2014 to 2016: support to the victims’ land restitution unit (Unidad administrativa de restitucion de tierras despojadas) to implement the ley 1448 of 2011 (Ley de la victimas y restitucion de tierras) in line with VGGT chapter 14 on Restitution. 10 pilot areas for a total of 100 000 Ha and 2800 families. From 2015 onwards: raising awareness events in partnership with the Universidad Externado as expert meetings and raising awareness days in rural areas. 2016: Support to the Unidad de Planificacion Rural y Agropecuaria to study the phenomenon of lands concentration in its size and mechanisms.
Colombia: facing multiple challenges with the VGGT From 2016 onwards: Acuerdos de Paz: Hacia un Nuevo Campo Colombiano: Reforma Rural Integral VGGT capacity development and diffusion led by civil society (Fensuagro). New training phase will focus on strengthening capacities within the existing dialogue of platform Cumbre Agraria, to deepen the knowledge of CSOs leaders and government representatives Support towards the recognition of smallholders rights in the national parks. Support to the National Land Agency to the process of massive regularization and to conduct joint analysis of the Zonas de Reservas Campesinas
Outlook on VGGT implementation in LAC Two country motors with different uses of the VGGT in accordance of needs. Other countries are having related activities and starting specific projects: Caribbean (St Lucia, St Vincent and Grenadines, Grenada and Guyana), Central America (El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras), South America (Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Paraguay) Keeping the momentum: enlarging number of actors involved documenting good practices Supporting exchanges of practices Generating communities of practices on specific issues
Information resources Thank you for your attention Information resources FAO Governance of Tenure page: FAO Governance of tenure e learning module page: Guatemala: enhancing recognition of communal lands; Buenas practicas de gobernanza de tenencia: Colombia: