Groups Find your bearings Your first steps with groups Go further Join your first group In Outlook 2016, click Browse Groups to find the groups already existing in your company and join them in a single click! Create your own group Create your own workgroup to gather team conversations for a project! On the Home tab, click New Group. With Outlook 2016 Tip! The most useful groups are suggested automatically. Use a keyword to search for more groups you may be interested in. Choose an explanatory name for your group to help others find it easily. In practice Outlook will inform you if the group name is available. Notice that your group email address is created automatically. Be careful! Avoid special characters in your group name to get a « clean » email address. In practice Distinguish between private groups and public groups: Public groups can be joined by anyone; by clicking Join you will automatically become a member. Private groups have restricted access; by clicking Join a request will be sent to the group manager. Choose the correct privacy settings Choose a public group if you don’t share any confidential information and if your group is of interest to everyone. Create a private group if you want to keep control of your members’ access. Best practice Il you don’t want your members to be overwhelmed with information, don’t subscribe them automatically; leave the subscription box below unticked. Find your bearings Find EMS Conseil on You will receive an email confirming your membership was granted.
Centralize your exchanges Share with your group Browse your group Centralize your exchanges Share with your group You are in Outlook - so you will quickly find your bearings: you can see your groups in the left navigation pane. Exchange efficiently Thanks to your group email address, centralize exchanges with your colleagues about a topic: in your group, start a new conversation. Share documents Use the shared Files library online to save your project documents and make collaboration easier! Best practice Like in your mailbox, a blue number will inform you about new messages received by your group. Site Web EMS Conseil A group is like a contact: send a message from your mailbox and copy your group email address in the Cc line; just type the group name to find its email address. The sent email will appear in the group conversations! You might create new documents by clicking New or drag and drop files from your PC directly into your window. When you click a group name, you will see the options in your Home tab change; you can: Create a New Conversation with your group members Add Members and invite them to join your group Access the group’s Files and Notebooks Find your conversations Use the group search tool to find any discussion in a few seconds! Tip! Synchronize your group documents with your PC and use Windows Explorer to access them easily even offline! In practice Type your keyword. The powerful search tool will look for it in all contents and attached files. In practice Subscribe to your group to receive an email notification of your group’s activity (new conversation, new members, new invitation etc.). Share notes Take collective notes with your team to share information and good ideas with your group. Communicate with people outside your company If your group manager has authorized the option to receive emails from people outside your company, share your group email address with external contacts and centralize all your messages for a project. Click your group name to copy its email address. Tip! Edit your group notes on your PC to access them easily even offline! Tip! Right click your group name and Add it to your Favorites: it will be added to your favorites at the top and you can access it more easily! Best practice To inform your sender that you have read their message or that you agree, simply « like » it! Be careful! Only group members can access your group’s notebook and shared documents.