Welcome! Taylor County Schools Student Assistance Team School Level Training September 2017
Agenda/Topics to Be Covered Goals of Training Keys to Student Assistance Teams (SATs) Classroom Interventions - MSTT SAT Interventions Documentation of Interventions Supports for Interventions
Goals of Training Provide educators of a brief review of the program Provide educators information on interventions, accommodations and modifications to support students Provide educators information on supports to help them implement the program to support students Provide educators information on methods of documentation of the interventions, accommodations, and modifications they are providing.
Keys to the program Have three people at a Student Assistance Team meeting Review individual student needs that have persisted despite being addressed through academic and/or behavioral support Conduct a problem solving process that includes designing and monitoring implementation of interventions and/or reviewing interventions designed by other school teams Allow parents to review recommendations made by the team regarding the child’s program and to provide feedback to the team about those recommendations Collect and maintains data on the activities of the team
Keys to the program Possible Outcomes of a meeting Timelines Initiate or continue current interventions Modify and continue interventions (including possible screening or assessment) Refer for special education Close the case Timelines 5 school days to schedule a meeting 10 school days to hold a meeting (includes the 5 days for scheduling) 5 days to process a request for assessment or provide PWN not to test Review every 45 school days
Keys to Programs Interventions occur at the classroom level prior to SAT referral Educators bring information and evidence to the meeting to review. Interventions are reviewed, modified and implemented at the SAT level. Data on interventions effectiveness is collected, reviewed and use to make decisions. The whole school provides supports to all of its students.
Interventions Define the problem(s) and select one or two to start with to work on– what will have the greatest impact and can be accomplished Discuss interventions that match the concern – get specific to the student Discuss ways to implement different interventions Select which interventions to implement at each step (limit to 2 with 3 at the most at one time) Discuss ways to document the intervention and select Discuss who will help support (and monitor) the implementation Discuss timetable for review
Parent Review Review classroom interventions as they are implemented – don’t wait Review SAT interventions as they are implemented Review expectations at every step of the way – define the changes in student behavior that we want to see – one or two changes at a time Explain how you can be reached to discuss concerns
Websites TCS SAT Resource Page (http://www.taylorcountyboe.net/page/employees/sat- resource) Intervention Central (www.interventioncentral.org) What Works Clearinghouse (https://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/)
Books PRIM (Pre-Referral Intervention Manual) Behavior Intervention Manual Learning Intervention Manual Learning Difficulties in Today’s Classroom Differentiating the High School Classroom How To Reach and Teach ADD/ADHD Children *Multiple sets will be provided at each site for teacher access.
Books Differentiating Instruction In A Whole Group Setting Differentiating in Middle & High School Strategies That Work The Reading Strategies Book Assessment and Student Success in a Differentiated Classroom *Multiple sets will be provided at each site for teacher access.
Title I and Interventionists Title I Interventionists (as available) Anna Jarvis/4; Flemington/1 Part-time Interventionists at all elementary sites/middle school Anna Jarvis/3; Flemington/2; West Taylor/2; TCMS/2
Exemplars for the SAT Forms Exemplars for the various SAT forms are currently posted on the Taylor County SAT Resource webpage. Additional exemplars will be posted throughout the year.
Teacher Choice Must indicate what is occurring Must indicate the data on the strategy Must be on paper (can‘t be just verbal) Must be summarized to be used
Q&A Invite questions from teachers
Summary Discuss topics covered Reiterate welcome and expectations Next Steps