Interview Skills & Tips Ace the Interview! Interview Skills & Tips
Objective A job interview is a professional conversation between a potential employee and an employer that helps to identify the skills that they need in their company. The employer seeks to determine the suitability of the prospective employee for the job, while the employee tries to learn more about the position and the company while also impressing the employer. Getting called for an interview should not be taken lightly. Be prepared! A job interview is a professional conversation between a potential employee and an employer. Conducting interviews allows employers to identify the skills that they need in their company. Well-planned interviews typically use a standard set of questions to assess things such as interpersonal skills, communication skills, and job knowledge. The employer seeks to determine the suitability of the prospective employee for the job, while the employee tries to learn more about the position and the company while also impressing the employer. You must be able to effectively communicate your skills to a potential employer if you hope to have a chance of getting hired. Getting called for an interview should not be taken lightly. Be prepared by getting as much information as possible beforehand, such as the type of interview, and name and title of the person or persons interviewing you. The typical interview is a face-to-face one-on-one conversation but there are many different styles of interviews used for different reasons. You can be ready for any of them.
Components Handshake Eye Contact Smile Appearance/Dress Demeanor/Posture Cover Letter Resume Application Articulation Skills Content of Answers
First Impression Strong, confident handshake. Make eye contact. Smile politely. Be cool, calm and collected. Engaging demeanor and attentive posture. Professional dress and clean appearance.
Professional Dress
The Paperwork Cover Letter: Resume: Application: Thank You: Format, objective, skills included, addressed correctly. Clean, clear and concise. Include references! Follow directions, 100% complete, matches resume. Sent in a timely manner, personal, appreciative.
Types of Interview The Screening Interview: The very first interview – HR person. The Second Interview: A good sign! Deeper questions. The Phone Interview: Weeding out applicants. The Panel Interview: Being interviewed by more than one person. The Group Interview: Several candidates being interviewed at one time. The Stress Interview: Putting candidates in stressful situations. The Behavioral Interview: Discovering past reactions to issues.
The Questions: What to expect Tell me about yourself? What are your strengths & weaknesses? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Tell me about a problem you have encountered and how you resolved it? Do you have any questions for me?
Odd Interview Questions "If you were a pizza delivery man, how would you benefit from scissors?" -- Apple, specialist "If you were a box of cereal, what would you be and why?" -- Bed Bath & Beyond, sales associate "Why is a tennis ball fuzzy?" -- Xerox, client manager "How does the internet work?" -- Akamai, director "What's the color of money?" -- American Heart Association, project manager
Quick Tips for Success! Be early, never late. When in doubt, be overdressed rather than underdressed. Nix the phone! No gum, no smoking. Avoid excess cologne or perfume. Remove obvious piercings and cover any showing tattoos. Wait for them to sit first. Research the company and job. Take notes. Don’t lie or exaggerate. Be prepared to talk about yourself. Ask questions, but not too many. Be prepared to talk money.
Quick Tips for Success! Bring your resume & cover letter. Know what’s on your resume! Listen carefully. Don’t interrupt. Be mature. Don’t use slang. (YOLO, I’m like, Whatever) Don’t complain about the wait. Don’t be desperate. Be confident and determined! Be comfortable. Be mindful of time but not rushed. Get a business card. Send a thank you note promptly!
What to Expect Post-Interview The Good The Bad They ask how interested you are in the company or job. They use your name. They give you a clear time frame. They invite you to email or call with further questions. They give you the job on the spot! The interview is cut short. They don’t ask about your skills. Lack of eye contact or rapport. They tell you to wait for a call. Long pauses between questions. Lack of interest.
Review 1. Update and correct resume and cover letter. 2. Research the job/company, practice, be prepared. 3. Dress professionally, smile, eye contact and give a firm handshake. 4. Be confident, answer questions and ask questions. 5. Follow up with a sincere ‘Thank You’ note or email. 6. Get the job!