Assessment for Success with Institutional Repository Services CLIR/DLF E-Research Network Talks Hui Zhang
Agenda Institutional repository (IR) services Assessment and metrics for IR DSpace assessment with usage statistics DSpace assessment with Google Analytics (Analytics) Access data with Analytics API Analytics API use cases
Content Types in SA@OSU Theses and Dissertations 24,842 Technical Reports 11,185 Articles 7,788 Presentations and Posters 1,041 Audio and Video 159 Datasets 59 Oregon State University’s ScholarsArchive@OSU institutional repository has been in production since 2005. It contains over 58,000 total items, primarily theses and dissertations as well as technical reports (primarily in the form of government documents and extension and experiment station publications), items classified as books (primarily digitized books out of copyright), datasets, conference proceedings and presentations, multimedia, datasets, and, increasingly since the university passed an OA policy in 2013, faculty articles.
Library services at ScholarsArchive@OSU Electronic theses and dissertations (ETD) Digital archive with these dated back to early 1900 Deposit final version of thesis/dissertation to SA@OSU is a degree requirement Green Open Access University faculty senate passed an OA mandate in 2013 Data management Research data collections
IR Assessment and metrics Usage Pageview download Dissemination and discovery International access Sources of visits Audience demographic Altmetrics and article deposit rate: they are metrics optional or created locally
Impact assessment for IR with DSpace statistics Usage statistics as a feature of DSpace: Number of downloads available at community, collection, and item levels Provided to faculty and departments as measure of scholarly impact of their works Migrate the backend index engine from Solr to Elasticsearch for performance issue
Issues with DSpace usage statistics Index errors bots/crawlers
DSpace usage issues with multi-file items Download statistics with fine granularity only available at item level.
Impact assessment for IR with Google Analytics Analytics.js How to track pageview in DSpace How to track download in DSpace
Analytics.js Analytics.js is the library that collects user interaction data to your website The tracking snippet is available on the Analytics account Click ‘Tracking Info’ under the Property tab Click ‘Tracking Code’ Add the tracking snippet to every page you want to collect data
Locating tracking snippet Sign in to your Analytics account. Select the Admin tab. Select an account from the drop-down menu in the ACCOUNT column. Select a property from the drop-down menu in the PROPERTY column. Under PROPERTY, click Tracking Info > Tracking Code.
Tracking pageview in DSpace with Analytics Locate page-structure.xsl Insert the following code inside the <xsl:template name=”addJavaScript”> <script type="text/javascript"> <xsl:text>var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-xxxxxxxx-x']); _gaq.push(['_setDomainName', '']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + ''; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })(); </xsl:text> </script> Page-structure.xsl can be at: dspace- xmlui/src/main/webapp/themes/Mirage/lib/xsl/core/page-structure.xsl Replace property ID with yours in _setAccount
Tracking download in DSpace with Analytics Locate item-view.xsl Tracking download as event with following snippet inserted <xsl:template name="view-open"> <a> <xsl:attribute name="onclick"> trackDownload(this) </xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="href"> <xsl:value-of select="mets:FLocat[@LOCTYPE='URL']/@xlink:href"/> </xsl:attribute> <i18n:text>xmlui.dri2xhtml.METS-1.0.item-files-viewOpen</i18n:text> </a> <script type="text/javascript"> <xsl:text>function trackDownload(link) {_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Bitstream', 'Download', link.href]); setTimeout('document.location = "' + link.href + '"', 200); return false;} </xsl:text> </script> </xsl:template> Item-view.xsl: dspace-xmlui/src/main/webapp/themes/Mirage/lib/xsl/aspect/artifactbrowser
Understand Analytics reports
Dimensions and metrics Every Analytics report is made up of dimensions and metrics Each row in the report represents dimension and each column represent metrics A dimension is the property of your data (e.g., country, city of visits) A metric is the quantitative measurement of a dimension A dimension can have multiple metrics A metric only makes sense when used together with a dimension Metrics are reported under three categories Acquisition, Behavior, Conversion Examples of Acquisition metrics: Sessions % New Sessions New Users Examples of Behavior Metrics Bounce Rate Pages/Sessions Avg. Session Duration Examples of Conversion Metrics Goal Conversion Rate Goal Completions Goal Value
Q. How much contributions of search engine and social media to the traffic of your IR? A. Use acquisition reports: Channels Referrals Social
Channel report Organic search: arrived through search engine Direct: visitor types the URL directly into their browser. 'Direct' can also refer to the visitors who clicked on the links from their bookmarks/favorites, untagged links within emails, or links from documents that don't include tracking variables (such as PDFs or Word documents).
Referral report Referral: arrived through another website (outside your domain)
Source/Medium report
Social overview Social: if the referring URL matches one of the domains Google assigned to a social media network
Who are you users? Where are they from? Are they academics? Geo locations in Audience reports Are they academics? Service provider in Audience reports Are they using mobile device? System and Mobile in Audience reports
Geo location report
Service provider report
Mobile system overview
Mobile system attribute reports
Access Analytics data with Google API DSpace support Google Analytics statistics starting 5.x Sufia, a Hydra IR project, uses only Google Analytics for statistics Both systems uses Google API on server side to access statistical data Access Analytics data from the server side enables innovative applications
Using OAuth2.0 to access Analytics data server-side Register your web application to Analytics API in Google API console (link) Create a service account in Google API console (link) and download the public/private key pair in p12 or json format Get service account ID (email) from downloaded key and add it to the Analytics view (profile) you want to access Go to Google Analytics account page Click User Management in the View, add service account ID as client ID Add appropriate permission to client ID (read, write, everything)
Demonstration #1 ScholarsArchive@OSU using Sufia:
Demonstration #2 GlobalAudienceMap@OSU:
Thanks! Presenter email: Presenter profile: