Subtraction with Regrouping -
8 2 -5 3 1. Look at the ones. Ask: “Can we take 3 away from 2?” If we can’t, then we have to regroup.
2. Regroup as needed. 7 8 2 1st: Go next door to the tens and take one away. 1 2nd: Add the ten to the ones. -5 3
3. Subtract the ones. 7 What is 12 – 3? 8 2 1 -5 3 9
4. Subtract the tens. 7 What is 7 – 5? 8 2 1 -5 3 2 9
Now let’s review the steps… Look at the ones. Ask: Can we subtract? Regroup as needed: 1. Go to the tens and take one away. 2. Add the ten to the ones. Subtract the ones. Subtract the tens.
We can check our subtraction with addition! 7 8 2 2 9 1 +5 3 -5 3 2 9 1st: Move the answer ’29’ to the top of the addition problem. 2nd: Move the subtracted number ’53’ across to complete the addition problem.
8 2 2 9 -5 3 8 2 2 9 7 1 1 Now we’re ready to add… +5 3 1st: Add the ones: 9 + 3 2nd: Regroup the ten. 1 7 8 2 2 9 1 +5 3 -5 3 8 2 2 9 3rd: Add the tens – Don’t forget to add the regrouped one!
Let’s see if we are right… Yes!! They match! We are right! 1 7 8 2 2 9 1 +5 3 -5 3 8 2 2 9 Does the answer of the addition problem ’82’ match the top number of the subtraction problem?
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