The new science curriculum for Years 3 & 4 Led by Naomi Hiscock
Aims To be familiar with the changes in the new curriculum and how these affect current curriculum maps To explore in more detail working scientifically and on going provision To identify areas for support in the next session
The new curriculum - timeline Finalised in September 2013 Can be implemented in year 3 and 4 now, must be in place for September 2014 Year 1 and 5 in place for September 2014 Year 2 and 6 in place for September 2015
The new curriculum - rebranding Scientific enquiry is now called working scientifically- it is still at the core of the curriculum SC2 – life processes and living things Animals, including humans Plants Living things and their habitats SC2 – materials and their properties Everyday materials Uses of everyday materials Rocks States of matter Properties and changes of materials SC4 – physical processes Light Forces and magnets Sound Electricity Earth and space
The new curriculum - changes Some content has gone Some has moved Some is new What do you want to focus on during the next session?
Progression Progression in knowledge is more clearly mapped out Pick a strand and explore how the year 3 and 4 content fit between the other phases. Is progression clear in all strands?
New opportunities Greater focus on outdoor learning An opportunity to rethink how we approach science There are not 6 units per year Ongoing units – life cycle of plants year 3, classification year 4
Life cycle of flowering plants What evidence is there for the life cycle of a flowering plant?
Classification of living things Classifying trees What clues can we use to identify or classify trees?
Working scientifically Focus on different types of enquiry Exploration – discussing materials Classification – sorting materials Comparative/fair testing - transparency Observation over time - evaporation Pattern seeking - skeletons Researching – questions about bones
Looking for patterns Do people with …………………… have ……………………… ? Can people with ……………………. …………………………….. ?
Gap tasks Explore your local area and identify good spots for your ongoing unit Begin to get outside on a regular basis When planning consider the type of enquiry that children will be using
Resources Materials Torches Dataloggers Rulers, tape measures, metre sticks Bottles of water Trays Paper towels